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与 petioles 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Appendages at top of connectives not narrowly triangular, anthers without cushionlike tomentum at base adaxially, apex not barbate; stipules caducous; petioles 7-12 mm

附属物在顶端的药隔并非狭三角形,花药没有垫状绒毛层在正面基部,先端不;托叶早落叶柄7-12毫米 3

Petioles usually longer than 1-1.5 cm; seeds with short abaxial furrow restricted to 1/3 of length

叶柄比1-1.5厘米通常长;种子具短限制到长度的1/3的背面的棱槽 24

Branchlets, petioles, and veins on abaxial surface of leaflets pilose

传单的小枝,叶柄和静脉在背面具柔毛 2

Petioles of upper leaves expanded or not, but not auriculate; fruit ovate to oblong-ovate, 3.5–8(–10) mm.

上部叶片的叶柄扩大与否,但是并非耳形;果卵形到长圆状卵形,3.5-8(-10)毫米 18

Petioles of upper leaves expanded into auriculate sheaths; fruit oblong, 8–15 mm.

扩展到耳形鞘的上部叶片的叶柄;果长圆形,8-15毫米 17

Appendages at top of connectives narrowly triangular, less than 1 mm, anthers lanate at base adaxially, apex barbate; stipules later deciduous; petioles 2-5 mm.

药隔狭三角形,不到1毫米,花药具绵状毛的在正面基部的附属物在顶端,先端具髯毛;晚的托叶脱落;叶柄2-5毫米 3 R。

Stems and petioles densely strigose; leaf blade herbaceous, apex cuspidate, 0.5-1.2 cm, abaxial surface densely canescent.

茎和叶柄密被糙伏毛;叶片草质,先端骤尖,0.5-1.2厘米,背面浓密被灰白毛。 6b var。 canescens 灰绿水苎麻

Petioles 3-10(-15) mm; stigma broadly clavate to subcapitate; seeds 1-1.2 × 0.45-0.55 mm, obovoid; Xinjiang.

叶柄3-10(-15)毫米;柱头宽棍棒状到近头状;种子 1-1.2 * 0.45-0.55 毫米,倒卵球形;新疆。

Leaves all basal, persistent remnants of petioles forming a dense clump; flower solitary, terminal; petals clawless

叶全部基生,叶柄的宿存的剩余形成一片紧密的丛;花单生,顶生;花瓣无爪 17 Paraquilegia 拟耧斗菜属

Leaves ovate, 4-8 mm, glabrous, base cordate; petioles short or nearly absent.


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