英语人>网络例句>path 相关的网络例句
与 path 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adriane Burman is with the PATH office in Seattle, Washington.

Adriane Burman是华盛顿州西雅图市PATH办公室职员。

You can change the value of this variable, for both GDB and your program, using the path command.

你可以改变这一变量的值,用于 GDB 和你的程序,请使用 path 命令。

Generally this directory is included in your path.


Add the full path to the tools/ directory to the path.


By default neither this directory nor your main Python executable are on your PATH so you will not be able to run Python itself or any Python scripts from a Command Prompt unless you first navigate to the correct directory or specify the full path each time.


Path containing a tilde, and it returns the equivalent absolute file path.Here are two examples, in a Unix-based environment and in Win32

你可以使用 os.path.expanduser 函数来完成这个,传递一个带波浪号的目录,然后它会返回对应的绝对路径。

If PATH is unset or is set to null, the path search is implementation-defined.

若未设定 PATH 或将它设成空值,则路径搜寻是依实作定义。

The other products including 〓,〓,〓,〓 and 〓, which are formed by Path 2and Path 3, are kinetically possible yet much less competitive than 〓,〓 and〓.

通过Path 2和Path 3形成的其它产物例如〓,〓,〓,〓和〓〓均不能与〓,〓,〓竞争,因此其在实验中不可能被观测到。

Four groups were respectively conducted in Morris water labyrinth test, which was used to dect the learning and memory of rats. Population spike in CA3 region was recorded in vivo following stimulation of lateral perforant path ,For the induction of LTP , 4 trains (50 shocks/ t rain , 500 Hz) high-frequency tetanic stimulations were applied to lateral perforant path.

MK-801组除按依赖组剂量注射海洛因外在每次注射海洛因前30分钟注射MK-801(0.3mg/kg),四组各自进行水迷宫实验测试大鼠学习记忆;在体记录由刺激海马外侧穿通纤维(lateral perforant path,LPP),所诱发的CA3区群体峰电位电位,并观察高频刺激引起的LTP效应;用逆转录聚合酶链反应技术半定量检测海马NMDA受体NR1、NR2A亚基mRNA的表达。

When t=1/2, Path of the C-curves and H-curves ofdegree two and three are lines, but not for the Path of degree four, weneed more about the control polygon. Paths are commonly curves. Butthe reference [38] pointed out that they can closely be approximated bylines. By this method we can get a C-curve passing a given point easily.


第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Path Vol. 2
(Down) The Left Hand Path
It Rapes All In It's Path
The Path
Path I Walk
No Path To Follow
Walking In The Great Shining Path Of Monster Trucks
The Path
A Path Of Its Own
The Righteous Path

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
