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与 onwards 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From 1990 onwards the city began to take on a new look.


From then onwards, south Jiangsu, especially major cities like Suzhou or Yangzhou, would be synonymous with opulence and luxury in China.


It was now onwards that the Mongols became ferocious in their treatment of the Muslim residents of Iran and other countries they overran.


From 1999 onwards, Sweden began penalising people who patronise prostitutes (through fines, jail terms of up to six months, and "naming and shaming"), while treating people who sell their bodies as victims.


Intel processors from the Pentium Pro onwards have a maximum CPUID input value of only 02h or 03h. The only exception is the Intel Pentium 4 with Hyper-Threading Technology.

Intel 的高能奔腾以后的 CPU 的 CPUID 数值不超过02H 或03H ,仅有的例外是具有超线程技术的奔腾4。

Dickens'S first job,as a solicitor'S clerk,providedexperiences wl proved useful for his fiction,from Pickwick Papers onwards;but he had nointention of remaining there.


She knew he was a handful at first sight: lanky and good-looking, impossibly full of himself and his political ambitions, bossing her about from the first date onwards, rushing her so precipitately into marriage in November 1934 that they had neither a proper ring nor flowers.


The local peasant undergoes the process of class differentiation within rural village. From the 1980s onwards, they are under the pressure of proletarianization. They lost farm land and advantages in local market. These transformations change the social division of labor in rural village. The only way against this process is the expansion of village government and its administrative power. The need of strengthening security force leads to more recruitment of young people. It mitigates the pressure of proletarianization and forms the basis of the local society.


From September 1 onwards, all operating in Shanghai will be the implementation of public land auction sale.


The construction of internal risk management system with the core of customer management system is the most innovative ideas the paper brings. For example, it presents pyramidal customer theory dividing customers into target customer, company customer, intent customer, trade customer and partner customer; in concrete risk management, it presents implementing diversity management according to customers' different level, different traits and different influential abilities with the aim to extend management scope to target customer onwards and transfer from trade customer to partner customer rearwards. This system is established in reducing and eliminating risk through diversity management towards customers. As corresponding measure going with this system construction, it presents new ideas of standardizing risk management flow and internal control process with ISO9000 system and implementing continuous improvement of risk management system through "6SIGMA" method.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
