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In fact, however, each one of it is an odorous container covered by skin and equipped with openings at both ends which emit unpleasant odors.


Future studies will focus on the odorous ant's genetics, in hopes of learning why urban life turns it into such a swarming bully—and how to stop it.


Chicken manure, which is sticky, wet, and odorous, is hard to compost.


And many an antenatal tomb, Where butterflies dream of the life to come, She left clinging round the smooth and dark Edge of the odorous cedar bark.


Non-toxic, non-odorous, no pollution, high paint-film risibility, mild luminosity, strong quality-feeling, water-resistance, acid/alkali resistance, color-everlasting, easy use, short dryness time and high sealing performance.


Phascolarctos cinereus(灰色的, ash-colored): Australian tree-dwelling marsupial; national icon; nocturnal, odorous, somnolent.


In the fermentation material properties, loose 24-48 hours, days, 15 days of deodorization into fat, not only speed than the planimetric fermentation, and still more effectively prevents the fermentation of hydrogen sulphide, amine such harmful gas and bio-degradability of odorous gases, accord with environmental protection requirement, namely, and can produce good biological fertilizer.


Manufactured completely from natural essential oils and plant extracts, AI R SAFE R Odor Neutralizer is not a perfume or masking agent, when atomized into the air it immediately and permanently destroys common odorous gases by an absorbing and biodegrading action.

AI R SAFE R生产完全由天然植物精油和植物提取物,气味中和剂不是香水或掩蔽剂,雾化到空气中通过吸收和降解立即破坏臭味气体分子。

A wingless,odorous insectwith a flat,reddish body that infests dwellings and bedding and feeds on human blood.


Gather the hay to its myriad mows in the odorous tranquil barns


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
