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Evergreen; leaflet base broadly cuneate or obtuse, margins with 2 or 3 denticles per cm; inflorescence branched.

常绿 小叶基部宽楔形或钝,边缘具2或3小齿每厘米;花序分枝。 1 B。 javanica 秋枫

Fruit ovoid, slightly compressed dorsally; ribs thick-obtuse, very prominent, irregularly denticulate especially along ribs, denticles stiff-membranous or with stiffly scarious-processes and hairs; furrows narrow; vittae 1 in each furrow, 2 on commissure.


Sepals erect in bud and erect or incurved in fruit; ovary and capsule ovoid to subglobose or pyramidal-ovoid; leaf apex obtuse to rounded

弯曲的萼片在芽中直立和直立或在果期;子房和蒴果卵球形到近球形或金字塔卵球形;叶先端钝到圆形 34

Outer 3 sepals linear-oblong, 1--1.5 × 0.3--0.4 cm, apex obtuse; inner 3 sepals smaller.

外部3个萼片线形长方形, 1-1.5 * 0.3-0.4 厘米,先端钝;小内部3萼片。

Basal leaves with petioles (0.5-)1.5-4 cm, ciliate with simple trichomes; leaf blade 1- or 2-pinnatesect, oblong or ovate in outline, 1.5-6 × 0.7-3 cm; ultimate segments linear-oblong, oblong, or rarely ovate, 1.5-15 × 0.5-3 mm, apex obtuse or subacute.

基生叶具叶柄(0.5-)1.5-4厘米,单的具缘毛具;轮廓的叶片1或2 pinnatesect,长圆形或卵形, 1.5-6 * 0.7-3 厘米;线状长圆形的末回裂片,长圆形,卵形的或很少, 1.5-15 * 0.5-3 毫米,先端钝的或近尖的。

Glumes usually 2; lemma larger and broader than glumes, many veined; palea obtuse, 2-keeled; lodicules 3, subequal.

通常的颖片2;外稃大和宽于颖片,很多脉;内稃愚蠢,2 翻转;鳞被3,近等长。

Compound umbels terminal; bracts and bracteoles absent; umbellules few to many-flowered. Calyx teeth triangular, apex obtuse.


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Twiners or prostrate; sepals narrower, apex usually acute or acuminate, rarely obtuse.


Leaves 2-6 × 1-5 cm, elliptic, ovate-elliptic, or oblong-elliptic, apex obtuse; inflorescence narrow.

叶 2-6 * 1-5 厘米,椭圆形,卵状椭圆形,或长圆状椭圆形,先端钝;花序狭窄。

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