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与 nucleus 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the brain of adult rat, the positive immunohistochemical product of lSL-l (ISL-l-positive) was mainly located in the neuronal nucleus and found in discrete regions except to brain cortex, such as the Purkinje cell layer and the granular cell layer of cerebellum, the granular cell layer and the pyramidal cell layer of hippocampus, the mitral cell layer, the internal and external plexiform layer, the granular cell layer and the granular cell layer of olfactory bulb and so on, and several nuclei of the hypothalamus, midbrain and pons, such as claustrum, anterior olfactory nucleus, accumbens nucleus, caudate-ptamen, pallidum, substantia nigra, striatum, islands of Callaje, mammillary nucleus, anterior pretactal nucleus, habenular nucleus, amygdaloid nucleus, cuneate nucleus, rubral nucleus, gigantocellular reticular nucleus and so on.


The result showed that IFN-γ was distributed over 20 nucleus of the hypothalamus, such as nucleus mamillaris medialis, nucleus pre-opticus medialis, area anterior hypothalami, nucleus ventromedialis, nucleus reunions, nucleus paraventricularis, nucleus supra optic, and etc. Many of IFN-γ positive nerve fibers were found in supra optic nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, nucleus mamillaris medialis and etc. Nerve fibers and astrocytes IFN-γ immunoreactive positive cells spreaded in paraventricular nucleus, nucleus pre-opticus lateralis, nucleus pre-opticus medialis and etc. At the same time, IFN-γ is also observed obviously in adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis. IFN-γ also expresses in follicular and corpus luteum.


Neuronal cell bodies and fibers with moderate mGluR7-LI were seen in the olfactory bulb,anterior olfactory nucleus,piriform cortex,septofimbrial nucleus,bed nucleus of the strial terminalis,lateral hypothalamic area,paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus,supramammillary nucleus,medial and lateral mammillary nuclei,most part of the thalamus,medial and lateral geniculate bodies,nucleus of the optic tract,red nucleus,substantia nigra,interpeduncular nucleus,pontine nuclei,lateral parabrachial nucleus,superior olivary complex,nucleus of the trapezoid body,motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve,facial nucleus,ambiguus nucleus,cochlear nucleus,vestibular nuclei,nucleus of the solitary tract,hypoglossal nucleus,prepositus hypoglossal nucleus,medullary reticular formation,Purkinje cells of the cerebellum,nucleus raphe obscurus,intermediolateral nucleus of the spinal cord,Onuf′s nucleus and lamina X of the spinal cord.


When the anesthetic dose of propofol was 100 mg/kg, FOS-IR neurons appeared in the CNS, including piriform cortex, accumbent nucleus, lateral septal nucleus, paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, ventral lateral geniculalaten nucleus, dorsal endapiriform nucleus, supraoptic nucleus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, anteroventral preoptic nucleus, nucleus of the solitary tract, and supramammillary nucleus, etc.

结果 C组可见部分散在FOS-IR阳性神经元分布,P组FOS-IR阳性神经元数比C组明显增多(P.01),并呈核特异性分布,S组在杏仁基底外侧核、丘脑室旁核、外侧缰核及海马回嗅觉小岛等核团发现FOS-IR阳性神经元较P组分布增多(P.01)。

The results showed that orexin-like immunoreactiveneurons were observed in the medial preoptic nucleus,periventricular nucleus,paraventricular nucleus,supraoptic nucleus,dorsomedial nucleus,perifornical nucleus,mammillary nucleus,anterior area,lateral area and posterior area of the hypothalamus,with majority in the lateral area,supraoptic nucleus and mammillary nucleus and with minority in t...


ER, NGF and ChAT immunoreactive productions were widely presented in diencephalons, mainly in nucleus habenula, nucleus corpus geniculatum lateral, nucleus medialis thalami, nucleus lateral thalami, nucleus paraventricularis, nucleus paratenialis, nucleus rhomboidens, grisea periventricularis hypothalami, nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, nucleus paraventricularis hypoythalami, nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami, anterior region and posterior region hypothalami.


Results The Fos reactive products were distributed in the piriform cortex,accumbens nucleus,bed nucleus of stria terminalis, cingulate gyrus,nucleus of diagonal band, hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, supraoptic nucleus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, arcuate nucleus, central amygdaloid, subfornical organ, paraventricular thalamic nucleus, lateral habenular nucleus,ventrolateral part of the central gray,lateral parabrachial nucleus,locus ceruleus,medullary visceral zone.

结果 Fos阳性产物分布于梨状皮质、伏核、终纹床核、扣带回、斜角带核、下丘脑室旁核、视上核、视交叉上核、弓状核、中央杏仁核、穹窿下器、丘脑室旁核、外侧缰核、中脑中央灰质腹外侧区、脑桥臂旁外侧核、蓝斑、延髓内脏带等脑区,而在大脑白质及小脑中无明显的密集分布区。

Objectives To study the response of neurons and astrocytes in Nucleus Tractus Solitarii after acute cardiac injury of rat.

目的:观察急性心肌损伤后大鼠延髓孤束核(Nucleus Tractus Solitarii, NTS)神经元和星形胶质细胞的反应。

When aborted rats in group E were treated with the dose of 50 IU/g IFN-γ, expression of TNF-αin this group was compared with the other four groups, the results were as follows: Compared with group A, the nucleus pre-opticus medialis, nucleus pre-opticus mango celluaris, nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami, nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami, nucleus arcuatus hypothalami and pars intermedia had a highly expression of TNF-α, in the other nuclei of hypothalamus, neurohypophsis and adenohypophysis, the change was not significantly, the expression of TNF-αin follicle and corpus luteum were decreased distinctly, the variation in uterus was slight and no difference was exsited; Compared with group B, the expression of TNF-αin nucleus nucleus lateralis hypothalami, nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami, nucleus arcuatus hypothalami, adenohypophysis and uterus presented a remarkable enhancement, conversely, the TNF-αexpression in the nucleus pre-opticus medialis, nucleus pre-opticus suprachiasmaticus, nucleus supra-opticus, nucleus pre-opticus mango celluaris, nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami, neurohypophsis, follicle and corpus luteum had been significantly decreased; Compared with group C, the nucleus pre-opticus medialis, nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami, nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami, nucleus arcuatus hypothalami, adenohypophysis, pars intermedia and uterus had upregulated the expression of TNF-α, however, it was decreased in the nucleus periventricularis hypothalami and corpus luteum; When compared with group D, the expression of TNF-αin nucleus lateralis hypothalami, nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami, nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami, pituitary, follicle and ovary stroma were obviously enhanced, while in the nucleus supra-opticus and nucleus arcuatus hypothalami, the situation was definitely opposite, in the other parts, the change was not significant.

外源腹腔注射50 IU/g IFN-γ后,同A组相比:E组TNF-α免疫阳性产物在下丘脑视前内侧核、视前大细胞核、室周核、腹内侧核、背内侧核、弓状核、垂体中间部显著增高,在下丘脑其它核团、神经垂体、垂体前叶较A组差异不显著,在卵泡、黄体中阳性产物表达均较A组显著降低,在子宫中表达较A组变化不明显;同B组相比:E组TNF-α免疫阳性产物在下丘脑外侧核、腹内侧核、弓状核、垂体前叶、子宫均显著增高,在视前内侧核、视交叉上核、视上核、视前大细胞核、室周核、室旁核、神经垂体、卵泡、黄体中阳性物质表达均显著降低;同C组相比:E组下丘脑视前内侧核、腹内侧核、背内侧核、弓状核、垂体前叶与中间部、子宫均显著增高,在室周核、黄体中均显著降低;同D组相比:E组下丘脑外侧核、背内侧核、腹内侧核、垂体各部、卵泡、卵巢基质均显著增高,在视上核、弓状核显著降低,在其它部位表达变化差异不显著。

When aborted rats were injected with 10 IU/g IFN-γin group D, compared with group A, expression of TNF-αinmmuopositive substance in the nucleus pre-opticus medialis, nucleus supra-opticus, nucleus pre-opticus mango celluaris, nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami, nucleus arcuatus hypothalami were highly increased, conversely, the ones in the nucleus pre-opticus suprachiasmaticus, neurohypophsis, adenohypophysis, ovary were obviously decreased, the change in the uterus was not remarkable; Compared with group B, expression of TNF-αin the arcuatus hypothalami was obviously enhanced, while in the nucleus pre-opticus suprachiasmaticus, nucleus pre-opticus mango celluaris, nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami, nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami, nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami, neurohypophsis, pars intermedia, ovary, the results were on the contrary, the uterus had no significantly variation; Compared with group C, expression of TNF-αin the nucleus pre-opticus medialis, nucleus supra-opticus, nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami, nucleus arcuatus hypothalami, adenohypophysis and pars intermedia had an obviously risen trend, however, the variation in the nucleus pre-opticus suprachiasmaticus, nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, neurohypophsis, pars intermedia, follicle and corpus luteum was completely opposite, uterus had no obviously change.

外源腹腔注射10 IU/g IFN-γ后,同A组相比:D组TNF-α免疫阳性产物在下丘脑视前内侧核、视上核、视前大细胞核、室周核、室旁核、弓状核显著增高,在视交叉上核显著降低,在其它核团较A组无显著差异,在神经垂体、垂体前叶、卵巢中阳性产物表达均较A组显著降低,在子宫中的表达较A组变化不明显;同B组相比:D组TNF-α免疫阳性产物在弓状核显著增高,在视交叉上核、视前大细胞核、室周核、室旁核、腹内侧核、背内侧核、神经垂体、垂体中间部、卵巢各部阳性物质表达均显著降低,在子宫表达变化不显著;同C组相比:D组下丘脑视前内侧核、视上核、室旁核、弓状核、垂体前叶与中间部均显著增高,在视交叉上核、室周核、神经垂体、卵泡、黄体中均显著降低,子宫中表达变化不明显。

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The physiology of the skin machine body for the sake of the environment in the maintenance stability, but eject a body metabolism creation of metabolism thing BE'grease', summer perspire many various skin disease light or good, autumn perspire little metabolism thing metabolism don't go out, various skin disease made, this be the skin machine body of various burning disease.


If I had anything tender in me, I shot it dead.


The argumentation way in which this literary grace using is based on color painting, setting out from two angles separately " color"、" ink and wash", making criticizition in texts of Chinese ancient drawing history; analyzing how "color" painting was on the way from ripe to losing; emphatically analyzing the reason of losing in color center, that is to say the reason of "the change of ink and wash ", and its reconstructional way of combination, development with "ink and wash" it was "replaced" by the afterward manner. In a word, the developing "replaced"by the afterward manner.
