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与 monarchs 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Like foxes and hares or monarchs and milkweed, sorters and tests got swept up by a textbook case of coevolution.


Instead of monarchs, the human world asks for equality, communism, the reversion to the moral nature of the human race, and a world-creating movement that renews the human civilization system. And instead of kings of Law, the universe, too, asks for equality, communism, the reversion to the moral nature of the universe, and a universe-creating movement that renews the cosmic civilization system.


Knife killer hoarse voice of wind and string music to take you to see who is outside the city killing one of the seven re-Sha Yi Blood-stained white gauze under siege is not fat Surprisingly, six Army Good-bye is not life and death over the red line then, and wrapped that 1000 turns the ages Weirenzuojia Road scars of old wounds who It can not turn a hair in a flourishing tea Tasui bloodshed Jiangshan fireworks painting the enemy how you answer to his eyebrows a little carmine, but the world is worth mentioning is always a busy bloodshed on the Peach Pitt would like to see you again Leiruyuxia dumb dumb to listen to the sword high-rise buildings is that a life of dying Qingta Who you are guilty of peach blossom which counted the most is the impeccable Merry hexagram painted floor, do not leave heaters Sipan Piper bounce everywhere who distracted to grant the soul and the reversal of colors allow China refuses to uphold the contrast wax Shuo Ai end of the day off to spend does not love his innocent hexagram which counted for the final review of the world you are the moon illuminate the horizon who would have been the last Reeds Jiangshan neighing horses that embrace the quiet hubbub over heaven and earth wind chill Yung Hua Xie board after the monarchs of the sky Kokonoe Sa Da Pagoda to see a night meteor back to the moment people are also afraid of the silent days of the branches had grown Kuteng time upstairs on the dream has been lightly graze under the prospect of a still standing for you ah flick clothing on the snow side by side to see the vast Heaven and Earth


Far away in the early 15th century, had attracted a large number of European monarchs and aristocrats to the health resort.


Despite the prospect of abuse, monarchs like those in Spain and France generally did their best to make certain that their inquisitions remained both efficient and merciful. During the 16th century, when the witch craze swept Europe, it was those areas with the best-developed inquisitions that stopped the hysteria in its tracks.


The third was the Council of Trent, which was finally convened in 1545 after constant pressure from the Emperor Charles V, grandson of Spain's great reforming monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella.


While the connections with the cycle of the seasons is obvious, it is also clear that the story of Ishtar and Dumuzi was enacted by monarchs to ensure the fertility of the land.


While the connections with the cycle of the seasons is obvious, it is also clear that the story of Ishtar and Dumuzi was enacted by monarchs to ensure the fertility of the land.


Ian Mortimer, who has galloped with panache through the English monarchs from Edward II onwards, promises a different Henry: a king set "on the path to his own self-destruction and the negation of his humanity".


Ian Mortimer, who has galloped with panache through the English monarchs from Edward II onwards, promises a different Henry: a king set "on the path to his own self-destruction and the negation of his humanity".


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
