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与 molder 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This position will provide a key interface between the customer (Molder/Tier I/OEM), sales and product development, to develop Celanese's engineering thermoplastics business in China.


Demands to create smaller, lighter parts have made thin-wall molding one of the most sought after capabilities for an injection molder.


The requirements result form the demands of the molder and the mold maker.


But I admire him for his ability to convert molder to super nature. The broken bath changing into a pond of water lilies is just an example of this sort.


As thought the maker and molder of thyself


To molder with the moldering dead.


Water will be considered by a molder in coming weeks."But we will look todo it with gas first," he adds. Alliance has eight to 10 candidates. We


Alpha Packaging Acquires Bottle Blow Molder in Upper Midwest Region.


While the productions of writers of loftier pretension and more resounding names are suffered to molder on our shelves, those of Goldsmith are cherished and laid in our bosoms.


Rows of buildings that manage to glitter and molder at the same time. Bright neon over ancient, squalid, sponge-rotted structures. If you don't go at night, you won't go. Because to see these places by daylight is to see the bottom line of our flimsy contract with life.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
