英语人>网络例句>mob 相关的网络例句
与 mob 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All efforts to stop the fleeing mob, which spread terrifying tales of Stuka dive-bombers and panzers, were to no avail.


THE Victorian Police are under pressure to explain why they failed to release details of an assault on four Indian men by an angry mob outside a nightspot in Melbourne's northern suburbs until four days after the attack.


An Indian woman accused of being a witch was tied to a tree and beaten by a mob, with television footage of the incident aired in India on Friday.


Personally I tend to only use wands to finish off a mob low on health or while low on mana (since shooting with a wand doesn't count as casting a spell -- meaning you can Spirit regen).


The first troop train from the North passed through Baltimore, Maryland, without incident. The second train was not so lucky. A mob blocked the rail line and threw stones at the train. Shots were fired. Four soldiers and twelve civilians were killed.


If you're not level three yet, kill some mobs around you to get to level 3 then head to Town Akarios.


This is why along with telling our imaginary ingenue about sheep the ory I would also show the m an experienced mob running the three-card trick.


Bonkers: informal or slang terms for mentally irregular a.疯狂的Streep slams wonky, wooden shutters and leads her mob of bridesmaids, ageing sluts and lumpy Greek peasant women on a rampage through that sleepy village like a sun-kissed, middle-aged parody of Cyndi Lauper.

史翠普猛然关上摇晃的木制百叶窗,引领著由女宾相所组成的群众,一群上了年纪、风骚又粗犷的希腊农妇,怀著怒气穿越过昏沉的小村庄,像极了有著阳光肤色中年的Cyndi Lauper夸张版。

Three of those players — Jordan Farmar, Lamar Odom and Sasha Vujacic — are members of the self-named Bench Mob.


The Museum of Alexandria, a real university, still maintained a precarious existence until 415 when in riots incited by the Christians, the last remnants of Alexandrian schools of philosophy and science were swept away and the last notable teacher and philosopher of that school, Hypatia (370 - 415) fell a victim to the violence of the mob.

亚历山大大帝图书馆,一所真正的大学,仍维持不稳定状态直到受基督徒煽动发生暴乱时期,亚历山大大帝哲学和自然科学学校最后的遗迹被横扫一空,学校最著名的老师和哲学家Hypatia(370 – 415年)成为了暴徒暴动的牺牲品。

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The Mob Rules
The Mob Goes Wild
Get Yo Mob On
The Mob Rules
Mob Life
Da Mob
Mob Mentality
Sinister Mob
Mob Rules
Mob Ties

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
