英语人>网络例句>messenger RNA 相关的网络例句
messenger RNA相关的网络例句

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与 messenger RNA 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We have successfully practiced fluorescent differential display technique in our lab. It is a fast, safe and cost-effecti ve method used to sereen unknown expressed genes.KEY WORDS: differential display; RNA; messenger ; fluorescence

在本试 验室成功应用了荧光标记差异显示技术,可快速、敏感、经济有效地筛选各种未知的表达基因。

Without messenger RNA, no protein was produced.


In 15 of the 68 cases, the relative amounts of messenger RNA made by one gene in the pair was strikingly different from the amount made by the other.


Tricodons on the messenger RNA decide the amino acid sequence of its encoded protein.


A messenger rna molecule synthesized from the DNA directs the synthesis of the protein.


They have been successfully used in antisense technology, for their ability to specifically bind to messenger RNA targets and to inhibit translation of the target genes.


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