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Tapping into his vast collection of jazz melodies and pop standards on "Johnny Mercer: The Dream's On Me", are Ella Fitzgerald on "Midnight Sun", Ray Charles singing "Blues In The Night", Chet Baker with "I'm Old Fashioned", and Mercer himself alongside Bobby Darin singing "Two Of A Kind".


And now for your further delectation , we present a selection of popular melodies.


As the beautiful and familiar melodies of "Chun Tian Zai Na li","Mai Bao Ge"(Little newspaper vendor's song),"Rang Wo Men Dang Qi Shuang Jiang"(Let's go boating),"Diu Shou Juan" started echoing inside the music room, the foreign parents begun their first lesson of Chinese children's songs seriously, while all the Chinese parents looked excited and hum the songs easily with smiles on their faces.

"一只哈巴狗,坐在家门口,眼睛大又亮,爱吃肉骨头"在金宝贝上海古北中心, 9个中外家庭正围着老师在学习大家耳熟能详的中国传统儿童歌曲随着《春天在哪里》、《卖报歌》、《让我们荡起双桨》、《丢手绢》等熟悉的音乐声响起,老外爸妈正二八经地学唱中国歌曲,而中国家长的脸上无不露出孩子般兴奋的表情,轻轻哼唱起来,小朋友们也开心地手舞足蹈

Doo-wop, droopy melodies and sighs and swoons also find their way into her songs.Never forgetting her classical lessons, Brooke says she strives to "connect the 'classical world' with the 'mainstream world' by showing people it all works hand-in-hand." Although they may be presented differently, she says:"The beauty in the structure of a Mozart piece is essentially the same structure used in pop songs"

Brooke Waggoner的魅力是发自于内心的,她试图把日常生活中的细节深刻化,锤炼出细小并打动人心的感情,并努力地将每一个音符都变成记忆,将每一分旋律都变成记录岁月流逝的诗歌,Brooke Waggoner用自己独到的音乐语言承载他内心最真诚,最纯真的自白,就像一根洁白的羽毛,在蔚蓝的天空下飘荡着寻找下一个着陆点。

In 1*2 Dvorak said I am convinced that the future music of this country must be founded on what are called Negro melodies.


He is also known for hymn melodies, of which three remain in the Evangelical Hymn Book.


Paul, outgoing and talkative, spreads a sheen of charm; he is the smoother-over, the explainer, as pleasingly facile at life as he is at composing melodies.

随和、健谈的 Paul散发着迷人的魅力;他是润滑剂、解说人,他在生活中就像他的音乐所表现的那样温和、令人愉快。

Rowland's fairy-like songs are in the style of his immortal "Fairy Ring," with gentle melodies that sound instantly familiar and comforting.


In typical Farish fashion, Ryan delves into various themes of world-beat, new-age and spiritual sounds awash with his lush piano melodies and powerful minimalistic approach.

Ryan深入研究各种各样的世界民族音乐/newage/和灵魂的声音,用悦耳的琴调与极富抽象的音符表达出来。Ryan Farish向我们展示了一派热情乐观的迷幻般的神秘景象。

In typical Farish fashion, Ryan delves into various themes of world-beat, new-age and spiritual sounds awash with his lush piano melodies and power**l minimalistic approach.

Ryan深入研究各种各样的世界民族音乐/newage/和灵魂的声音,用悦耳的琴调与极富抽象的音符表达出来。Ryan Farish向我们展示了一派热情乐观的迷幻般的神秘景象。

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Melodies Of Christmas
Dead Melodies
Bittersweet Melodies
Melodies From Heaven
Blue Melodies
Monuments And Melodies
Inaudible Melodies
Sound Of Melodies
Melodies & Desires

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
