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maple syrup相关的网络例句

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与 maple syrup 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An eastern North American maple tree Acer saccharum having sap that is the source of maple syrup and maple sugar and variously grained hard wood used in cabinetmaking .


Maple syrup urine disease in untreated neonates is characterized by maple syrup odor in cerumen at 12-24 hours after birth; elevated plasma branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs, leucine, isoleucine, and valine) and a generalized disturbance of plasma amino acid concentration ratios by 12-24 hours of age; ketonuria, irritablity, and poor feeding by 2-3 days of age; deepening encephalopathy including lethargy, intermittent apnea, opisthotonus, and stereotyped movements such as "fencing" and "bicycling" by 4-5 days of age; and coma and central respiratory failure that may occur by 7-10 days of age.


It is this process that causes sugar maple trees to bleed in the spring, which is the raw material for maple syrup.


Maple syrup is made from sap extracted from the sugar maple tree.


With milk, bacon, coffee, oatmeal,sausage, ham, eggs, scrapple (made from the parts of the pig unfit for sausage), coffee, biscuits (like Eng-lish scones), home-fried potatoes, toast, fried corn meal mush, maple syrup (made from the sap of maple trees), coffee, waffles, corned beef hash, pancakes,coffee, and grits.


Breakfast food, which can be highly regional, in-cludes cold cereal with milk, bacon, coffee, oatmeal,sausage, ham, eggs, scrapple (made from the parts of the pig unfit for sausage), coffee, biscuits (like Eng-lish scones), home-fried potatoes, toast, fried corn meal mush, maple syrup (made from the sap of maple trees), coffee, waffles, corned beef hash, pancakes,coffee, and grits .


Don't miss out on the maple candy (hot maple syrup pured onto snow) and caribou meat!


The New England states, like Vermont, Massachusset, Maine, New Hampshire, etc. are famous for its autumn foliage. The trees shown in the website are mostly Acer saccharum or sugar maple, the type of maple which produces maple syrup. It is different from the Japanese maples.

在美国东北部六州,如佛蒙特州,麻萨诸塞州,缅因州,新罕布夏州等,都是以秋天美叶而著名的,网站中的树大部份是Acer saccharum或糖枫,就是提炼制造枫浆的那种枫树,跟日系枫树是不同的。

As winter slips away into springtime and the daytime temperature begins to rise above freezing, many families in Ontario return to their sugar bush to make maple syrup. The boiling of sap to make maple syrup and maple sugar is one of the oldest traditions

秋天的来临意味着基奇纳-滑铁卢十月啤酒节(Kitchener-Waterloo Oktoberfest)的大幕拉开,而这个德国以外最大的十月啤酒节,只不过是安大略西南部诸多庆祝活动中的一个写照。

That quart of maple syrup on your table was boiled down from roughly 10 gallons of sap from a sugar-maple tree.


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Love & Maple Syrup

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