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与 lump 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A little pile of lump of lump sugar and several bunches of ribbon of different colours was hidden under the straw.


Lump sum By taking the lump sum, on the other hand, you gain control of your money.


Article 8 The foreign funded ventures in the fields of infrastructure, comprehensive agricultural development and new and high technology, which intend to obtain the land use right by the means of purchase, may enjoy the lowest land price at the approval of competent authorities and pay off the money by one lump sum; For those who have difficulties to pay in one lump sum, payment by installment is acceptable except the land acquisition fee.

第八条 外商投资企业从事基础设施、农业综合开发以及高新技术专案,采用出让方式取得土地使用权的,按照土地审批许可权经批准后、可执行最低地价,按照有关规定一次付清;对一次性支付出让金有困难的,可先付清出让金中的征地费,其余部分可分期付清。

Result:This example main clinical manifestation for the abdominal pain, the platoon is black then, epigastrium CT, the magnetic resonance and the gastroscopy prompt the duodenum tumor, the good duodenum tumor excision method, after the technique the pathology inspection shows the duodenum fusiform shape cell lump, the immunity group result shows tumor cell CD117, CD34, the union protein, the S-100 protein, the muscle moves the protein, finally diagnoses for the duodenum benignity the nature lump.


There was a soft lump right on my belly button,it had gotten more and more bigger,and it had become ashine and nigrescent.My master took me to the vet,and the vet said it was a disease so called"here-near"(VV's master notes:maybe it is the same as exomphalos).The vet suggested that we'd better have a surgery to remove the lump,he told us it was a very small surgery and we needn't worry about it at all.


If David and Lump share all of the same parts, for example, extensionality tells us that David is Lump.


Muscle intermural myo-lump 63 examples, under myo-lump 11 examples, under mucous membrane myo-lump 19 examples, myo-lump 5 examples.


Some metaphysicians contend that the relation between the lump and the statue, on the one hand, and the relation between Tib and Tibbles, on the other, cannot be fully understood in terms of the concepts of parthood and identity, but require a further concept, a non-mereological concept, the concept of "constitution": the pre-existent lump at a certain point in time comes to constitute the statue (or a certain quantity of gold or certain gold atoms that first constituted only the lump come to constitute them both); pre-existent Tib at a certain point in time comes to constitute Tibbles (or certain cat-flesh or certain molecules …).

一些形上学家承认在金块和雕像之间、Tib和Tibbles之间的关系,这些关系不能完全根据"parthood"和" identity"的概念进行理解,而必须要一个进一步的概念,一个non-mereological的概念,"构成"的概念:先在存在的金块在时间中的某个点构成了雕像(或,一定数量的金子或金粒子首先构成了金块,继而构成了这两个。)先在的Tib在某个时间点开始构成了Tibbles(或某些确定的猫肉、粒子等等)。

Result: Lump static issue and acute inflammation issue lump issues of best breakthrough point that treat, and the traditional Chinese medicine can make to treat lump dissipating or limitation, create conditions for treating succeeding in in disposable operation. Accept thick liquid cellulous mastitis lump issues of 12 of patient for medical treatment altogether will it be February 2005 will it be July 2004, 11 acute inflammation one among them, this group in order to optimize healing solution treat and as treat group , regard patient of one of the acute inflammation when reviewed of the case as contrast group patient, statistical analysis is drawn : In curative effect, damage big or small treating group is it contrast group to superior to on the main improvement of symptom.


How to reduce to small opening ratio and to increase resist oxidation capability and to reduce consume of anode carbon lump , as well as how to improve to electric conductivity ratio and to reduce electric power consumption of anode carbon lump and to increase economy benefit is main purpose on optimization and treatment on electrolyze aluminum anode carbon lump .


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Lump Sum
Lump (Live)

For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
