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Hunting an average elevation 3500 ── 4000 meters, the annual average temperature of 6.5 ° c, is a cold desert and hill areas, for hunting animals mammals, five heads of as many as 27 kinds of Section 12, there argali, rock sheep, oh sumatraensis throat, white-lipped deer, wild camels and so on.


Jiang artist's love life has been hidden, he and his wife for his life, Zhou Yun calm, asked for the outside world, he has also been tight-lipped.


Like a marine Mick Jagger, a rosy-lipped batfish pouts near Costa Rica's Cocos Island.


Open flowers with corolla longer than calyx, tube slender, 2-lipped, lower lip 3-lobed, upper lip erect and 2-lobed; stamens exserted; style longer than stamens. Cleistogamous flowers with corolla shorter than calyx; stamens and style shorter than corolla.


His two oldest brothers, James and Andrew, he hardly remembered, save as close-lipped youths who came and went at odd hours of the night on mysterious errands or disappeared for weeks at a time, to their mother's gnawing anxiety.


Waiting close-lipped at the exit.


Still showing grainy films of my life,Losing it all in the end?--whatever it was--Then walking out into the cold,disbelieving lightWaiting close-lipped at the exit.


The close-lipped red- brick Georgian home of the McLure family, behind its low box hedges.


He is very undemonstrative, close-lipped little sign, dress is simple approximately miserable and shabby -- old La Bu is subdued, old emancipatory shoe, taking a short crew cut.


The honey-house deep as heartwood, and dipped into it among the swarming bees - honey and comb she lipped and tongued and scooped out in her black nails, until maybe she grew full, or sleepy, or maybe a little drunk, and sticky down the rugs of her arms, and began to hum and sway.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
