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与 linear 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Secondly, in this study, China's staple food demand is offered to have both long-term and short-term stability, and it fits the "best linear unbiased estimator", goodness of fit , hence it is predictable and has long-term developing co-relation--the rise of food consumption causes the rise of food price and the increase of food consumption stimulate the increase of income.

实证结果发现:中国粮食长、短期发展具稳定性、最小变异线性不偏估计式(best linear unbiased estimator,BLUE)、有配适性且残差变异数齐一,亦无自我相关性、故具可预测性与长远发展关系,乃粮食消费增加,刺激粮食售价的攀升;粮食消费量增加,刺激所得增加。

14 UNIT, LINEAR DESIGN - A unit employing a branch circuit frequency transformer design where operation is not dependent on circuity ."

" 2.14 UNIT, LINEAR DESIGN——使用支线电路频率变压器设计,其运行独立于电路系统的电源单元。"

To use linear program, we have to take care of two problems. The first problem is that the actual relationship between intensity and duration is nonlinear convex function. In this study, we propose to use piece-wise linear curve to approximate the nonlinear convex curve. The second problem is that there are many feasible event sequences.

使用线性规划遭遇的困难有二:第一,作业强度与作业时间呈非线性之凸函数关系,因此本研究将使用片段线性曲线(piece-wise linear curve)近似作业强度与作业时间呈非线性之凸函数关系;第二,专案有很多组可能事件顺序,事件顺序的不同会产生不同的资源限制式,本研究提出一个系统化的方法求解问题。

With the growing developments of the construction of SS/FH sequence in much wider fields, the well-known complexity measures—the linear complexity, the linear complexity profile and the k-error linear complexity—are widelyused but not sufficient to evaluate the complexities of the sequences available, for instance, the cryptographical sequence and the chaotic sequence families.

针对目前国内外普遍采用的LC、LCP和k-error LC(k-error Linear Complexity)序列复杂度检测理论存在的缺陷,将物理学和信息论中信息熵的概念引入到序列的复杂度检验中,提出了基于近似熵(ApEn:Approximate Entroy)的FH/SS(Frequnecy Hopping/Spread Spectrum)序列复杂度检验理论。

In the Linear Regression Transform Enabled Curvilinear Regression Based Adaptive Process Scheduling approach, the system resources are allocated through the closed loop by the feedback controllers according to the system scheduling errors.

在基于可化为线性回归的曲线回归的自适应进程调度(Linear Regression Transform Enabled Curvilinear Regression Based Adaptive Process Scheduling-LiCAPS)方法中,系统资源由反馈控制器根据系统的调度误差进行闭环分配。

The stability region estimation of the singularly perturbed systems can be replaced by that of the adjoint systems, and an optimization method based on linear matrix inequality was provided to reduce the conservativeness in the estimation.

将原系统稳定域估计问题转化为低阶伴随系统稳定域的估计问题,利用线性矩阵不等式(Linear matrix inequality, LMI)优化方法估计伴随系统的稳定域以减少保守性。

The company has operated the brand: LINEAR, MAX, IMP, TI / BB, AD, SST, ISSI, STC Single-chip, TI, AMD, ATMEL, FAIRCHILD, ST, PHILIPS, IR, ON, SHARP, TOSHIBA, VISHAY global brand-name IC.


Moreover, we use Linear Fractional Transformation to convert the effective performance indices, which includes conjugate poles, the DC value of output resistance, and the zeros/poles of compensator, of the circuit into the LFT mathematic models.

接著使用线性分式转换(Linear Fractional Transformation, LFT)将对电路特性具有影响之性能指标,如共轭极点、输出阻抗之直流响应值、以及补偿器的极零点转换成一LFT的数学模型。

Two major linear random number generators, the linear congruential generator and the multiple recursive generator, have been widely studied and used for many decades. Nowadays, as the price decreasing of computer processors, parallelization of the generators is being concerned for, at least, the computational efficiency purpose.

线性同余法(linear congruential generator,LCG)与k阶乘余法(multiple recursive generator,MRG)至今仍为乱数产生器常使用的两大线性方法;而近日,由於电脑处理器成本下降,平行化计算因而被广泛研究与使用,以改善因分析与模拟资料量与日俱增,电脑运算效率降低之问题。

An evaluation of Linear, Freundlich and Langmuir equations on both accuratity and stability indicates that the Linear equation is the best. Sorption of p nitrophenol to sediment is dominated by the partition of solutes to sedimental organic matter. The influences of temperature on sorption of p nitrophenol to sediment was also investigated. The sorption parameters of thermodynamics,Δ H =-7 8?kJ·mol -1 , suggest that the sorption behavior is dominated by dispersive force.

研究了对硝基苯酚在不同沉积物上的吸附等温线,比较分析了Linear方程、Freundlich方程和Langmuir方程描述吸附等温线的准确性和稳定性结果表明,Iinear方程更适合描述沉积物吸附对硝基苯酚的等温线对硝基苯酚在沉积物上的吸附主要是溶质在沉积物有机质中的分配,其吸附热为-7 8 kJ·mol-1,主要的吸附作用力为疏水键力。

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I put some current in side the surface and use two planes to cut the surface, then made two Amperian loops, then do integral on Theta.


Toucans|for this musical revue in Brazil.

知道吗 我以前去找能唱歌的鸟|为巴西的音乐剧找巨嘴鸟

Description:描述: You're a treasure seeker in search of lost tombs and temples that you learned about from some old papyrus scrolls.
