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与 leonine 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The red blood cells of Girella leonine were mostly brittleness and poor resistance, and began hemolysis in 0.65%-0.70% NaCl and complete hemolysis in 0.50%-0.55% NaCl.


Somalia's leonine president, Abdullahi Yusuf, may be undermining Mr Adde's efforts by refusing to compromise with even milder Islamists.


Not exactly short, he was so powerfully built he seemed more stocky than he was, with massive shoulders and a huge chest, a big leonine head, long arms like a shearer.


But he had an agreeable confidence that his faults were all of a generous kind-impetuous, warm-blooded, leonine, never crawling crafty, reptilian.


His profile, all of whose lines were rounded, without thereby losing their firmness, had a certain Germanic sweetness, which has made its way into the French physiognomy by way of Alsace and Lorraine, and that complete absence of angles which rendered the Sicambres so easily recognizable among the Romans, and which distinguishes the leonine from the aquiline race.


Time of Beijing of dispatch of sina science and technology on December 28 message, according to foreign media coverage, youTube Zhou Si announced the most popular 2007 video, include among them " abstruse Ba Ma's girl "," weep the vermicelli made from bean starch that supports cloth Lan Ni ", and " besiege leonine buffalo " etc.


Tall, with leonine hair and smelling vaguely of gin-and-tonic—his favourite cologne is Christian Dior's Eau Sauvage—Thwaite is a popular commentator on television and on campus.

高高的个子,留着狮型发,身上有股淡淡的杜松子酒和香味饮料的味道——他最喜欢的古龙香水是Christian Dior's Eau Sauvage——斯维特是一个颇受欢迎的电视和校园评论员。

As they passed him―Anna Mihalovna among them―the young man caught a glimpse over people's backs and necks of the great muscular open chest, the grey, curly, leonine head, and the massive shoulders of the sick man, which were pushed up, as he was supported under the armpits.


His profile, all of whose lines were rounded, without thereby losing their firmness, had a certain Germanic sweetness, which has made its way into the French physiognomy by way of Alsace Lorraine, that complete absence of angles which rendered the Sicambres so easily recognizable among the Romans, which distinguishes the leonine from the aquiline race.

com 而失其刚强,他有经阿尔萨斯和洛林传到法兰西民族容貌上来的那种日耳曼族的秀气,也具有使西康伯尔①族在罗马人中极容易 Dddtt 被识别出来并使狮族不同于鹰族的那种完全8 t tt8。 com 不见棱角的形相。他现在 dd dtt。

Everything about him bespoke elegance, the leonine features and regal beard, his tall, broad-chested stature that even his billowing robes couldn't conceal, and the large, strong hands that she wished could--wait a minute, couldn't Jedi read minds too?


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
