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与 lemurs 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Easter eggs were filed with animal food and were given to elephants, lemurs and monkeys.


For example, he interviewed Alison Jolly, a top expert on ringtailed lemurs.

例如,他曾经采访过顶级的狐猴专家Alison Jolly。

Based on this discovery, some researchers to speculate or even live in the island other than the wild lemurs and other primates, may be 8500 million years ago to carry the virus.

根据这一发现,有些研究者甚至推测生活在这座小岛以外的狐猴和其他野生灵长类,可能在8500 万年前便携带这种病毒了。

Lorises are small primates related to the lemurs of Madagascar.


The excitement is not so much that the specimen, nicknamed Ida, is so well preserved (it even contains remnants of the animal's last meal of fruit and leaves). Rather, it is because it is probably an early member of the line that led to humans, via monkeys and apes, as opposed to the one that led to lemurs and lorises.


You can experience fascinating lemurs, colourful chameleons that move in slow motion and fl ying dogs with wingspans of over a meter.


At least one bird and a few primates (ring-tailed lemurs, rhesus and diana monkeys, vervets) produce vocalizations that are functionally referential, telling others about specific objects and events.

至少有一个鸟和一些灵长类动物(环尾狐猴,猕猴和戴安娜猴子, vervets )生产发声功能上参照,告诉特定的对象和事件等。

Primates emerge from jungles, as tarsiers first, becoming lemurs not much later.


Stroll around the Tree of Life and discover a landscape full of creatures like Galapagos tortoises, lemurs and cotton-top tamarins!


Among Madagascar's largest lemurs and one of the tsingy's signature species, sifakas regularly jump along the jagged skyline as they range between fruit trees.


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Lemurs, Man. Lemurs

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
