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与 impish 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is of medium height and fit-seeming in a compact way, with thick dark hair and a long face that generally has an impish expression.


Gamorr is also home to an impish mammalian species called quizzers, which the Gamorreans hate with a passion.


From an interview:'He gets a bit tetchy about me singing more these days,'Noel says, with an impish innocence.

"他 对我最近越唱越多感到不安," Noel说,然后他回忆到

Seated languidly before us, all gangly limbs and impish grin, isone of Singapore's youngest millionaires.


Blatter was all impish smiles, he kept his head up, spoke freely, worked the room with his eyes, gesticulated.


The old dancing master followed him. Blatter was all impish smiles, he kept his head up, spoke freely, worked the room with his eyes, gesticulated. He ended with a rallying call, 'Let's make the game better.' The portable voting booths were set up on either side of the stage and the roll call started again.


Thrall: Thralls are a race of small-statured impish demigoths.


He was the strange little man who wore a hooded blue sweatshirt and sold me cigars and magazines, the impish, wisecracking character who always had something funny to say about the weather or the Mets or the politicians in Washington , and that was the extent of it.

对我而言,他只是一个卖雪茄和杂志的陌生小个儿男人,穿一件连帽蓝 T 恤,此外,他还爱说些调皮的妙语,关于天气、气象台和华盛顿政客。

Nor is it by pleasant images only that such plausible connections are made: the whole divine comedy of life, including its somber aspects, its sudden balkings, impish accidents, anxious expectations, moves past him, not quite like a shadow play--for it is he himself, after all, who lives and suffers through these scenes--yet never without giving a fleeting sense of illusion; and I imagine that many persons have reassured themselves amidst the perils of dream by calling out, It is a dream!


The fire in the grate looked impish-demoniacally funny, as if it did not care in the least about her strait.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
