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holding out相关的网络例句

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与 holding out 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

God is holding a free gift out to you right now; one that was very costly to Him.


He drove hard and fast through the streets of the air station, holding one arm over Allyson and Sara to keep them down out of sight.

他使难的和快速的经过空气车站的街道,把持在 Allyson 和莎若上的一只手臂无法视力。

The German, on whom they were billeted, looked out of the cowshed, wearing a jerkin and a pointed cap, and holding a fork, with which he was clearing out the dung.


Holding to 5 years " free set up shop " after policy, clean out treasure to alleged yesterday, although rely on sale page advertisement only, clean out treasure to need not be income concern completely.


Rapid cell selected, regional, rows or columns: the mouse click to select the current cell; click the region to be selected first cell, and then drag the mouse to the last cell can be two selected region between; worksheet click the Select All button, you can select the current worksheet; hold down the Ctrl click or drag using the mouse, you can select multiple nonadjacent cells or regional; select a region first cell, hold down the Shift key click on the angle of regional cells, can be between the selected rectangular area; click the line number can be selected corresponding to the entire line; click out the corresponding label can be selected out of the whole; along its line number or a list of drag the mouse, or to select the first row or first column, hold down the Shift key to select the end of the row or column, you can select a number of adjacent rows or columns; first select the first row or first column, and then hold down the Ctrl key to select other non-adjacent rows or columns; If you want to increase or decrease in the activities of the cell area can be selected by holding down the Shift key click the lower right corner of the region the last cell, the cell activities and the click between the cells will become a rectangular area to select a new region.

快速选中单元格、区域、行或列:鼠标单击可以将当前单元格选中;单击待选中区域的第一个单元格,然后拖动鼠标至最后一个单元格,可以将两者之间的区域选中;单击工作表的全选按钮,可以将当前工作表选中;按住 Ctrl 单击或使用鼠标拖动,可以选中不相邻的多个单元格或区域;选中某区域的第一个单元格,按住 Shift 键单击区域对角的单元格,可以将两者之间的矩形区域选中;单击行号可将对应的整行选中;单击列标号可将对应的整列选中;沿行号或列表号拖动鼠标,或者先选中第一行或第一列,按住 Shift 键选中结束行或列,就可以选中相邻的多个行或列;先选中第一行或第一列,然后按住 Ctrl 键选中其他不相邻的行或列;如果您想增加或减少活动区域中的单元格,可以按住 Shift 键单击选中区域右下角的最后一个单元格,活动单元格和所单击的单元格之间的矩形区域就会成为新的选中区域。

Barrymore was standing at the window.he was holding a light in his hand and looking out onto the moor.he stood without moving for a few minutes and then he put out the light.


I am sorry to say that while this hypocritical young barrister was holding forth in this despondent way, he had mentally sold up his bachelor possessions, including all Michel Levy's publications and half a dozen solid silver-mounted meerschaums, pensioned off Mrs. Malony, and laid out two or three thousand pounds in the purchase of a few acres of verdant shrubbery and sloping lawn, embosomed amid which there should be a fairy cottage ornée, whose rustic casements should glimmer out of bowers of myrtle and clematis to see themselves reflected in the purple bosom of a lake.


Besides these Dervishes, were other three who had rushed into another sect, which mended matters with a jargon about 'the Centre of Truth' holding that Man had got out of the Centre of Truth--which did not need much demonstration but had not got out of the Circumference


Pierre took hold of the cross beam, tugged, and with a crash wrenched the oak frame out."All out, or they'll think I'm holding on," said Dolohov.


I think Yao is better than both Smits and Z at this point in his career, but Smits was a great player and Z is now so to compare them is not necessarily an insult, however, I think Yao will be better in the long term. Besides working on the basic things like holding onto the ball, Yao needs to get more touches to either pass out of a double team or get off his shot. I don't see why players like McGrady or Sura can shoot their way out of slow starts, but JVG will just abandon Yao as soon as he gets off to a slow start. Sure, he turned the ball over in crucial situations today but why not take your chances with a 50% shooter rather than having McGrady create everything for himself off of a screen?

我认为姚的职业生涯得分要比Smits 和 Z好的多,Smits是一个伟大的球员,Z也类似,和他们相比,并不是侮辱,而且我认为长远看来,yao更加出色,除了在握紧球这些基本功上努力外,姚需要更多的传球和投篮,我不明白为什么当jvg在sura和tmac开始命中率不高时,仍会让他们投,而当yao开始表现不好时,就禁止yao投篮了,当然他今天在关键时刻失误了,但jvg为什么不给一个命中率超过50%球员机会,而让tmac自己创造机会投篮,不要忘了,这只是自从1月2号以来,姚第一次投篮命中率不好,有些人要把yao去交换odom,这太可笑了,不要忘了,但当yao表现不好时,球队为胜率挣扎,当yao表现好时,并且在tmac表现一般时,球队却取得了八连胜,网友们,有点自信好不好?

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Holding Out For A Hero
Holding Out For A Hero
Holding Out
Holding Out
Holding Out For Love
Holding Out For A Hero
Holding Out For A Hero
Holding Out For A Hero
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Holding Out

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
