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have nothing in one相关的网络例句

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与 have nothing in one 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If be consumed in the hotel, can mix all cumshaw serve convert one case to buy sheet directly, have nothing to do with time length.


However, though my little Periagua was finish'd; yet the Size of it was not at all answerable to the Design which I had in View, when I made the first; I mean, Of venturing over to the Terra Firma, where it was above forty Miles broad; accordingly, the Smallness of my Boat assisted to put an End to that Design, and now I thought no more of it: But as I had a Boat, my next Design was to make a Tour round the Island; for as I had been on the other Side, in one Place, crossing as I have already describ'd it, over the Land; so the Discoveries I made in that little Journey, made me very eager to see other Parts of the Coast; and now I had a Boat, I thought of nothing but sailing round the Island.


At last , some investgation is made to change about elementary constant of the universe in today ,which demonstrates that elementary constant of the universe in today would change at a ratio of 2.3387723548904887*1050 per year which means that elementary constant of the universe in today would remain as an constant unchanged within one million years if its accuracy fix on the 4th digit after radix point of 7.7577806787995708*1060 As a reminder , both elementary constant of the unvierse elementary constant of the unvierse in today have nothing to do with the cosmic constant introduced by Mr.

基本宇宙常数是一个变化的物理常数,其数值变化的速率为:2.3387723548904887*1050 ,与今天基本宇宙常数7.7577806787995708*1060 相比较,如果在保持今天宇宙常数的数量级不变的情况下将精确度选定在小数点后第4位,那么今天基本宇宙常数将在100万年之内保持不变。

The Taoist classic Tao Te Ching captures the ideal of rootedness in place with these words:"Though there may be another country in the neighborhood so close that they are within sight of each other and the crowing of cocks and barking of dogs in one place can be heard in the other, yet there is no traffic between them; and throughout their lives the two peoples have nothing to do with each other."


And while you may think that the Conference Bike isn't safe with six peddlers having their fate in the hands of one loony steerer, it actually comes with dynamo-powered lights/reflectors that meet the strict German 'StVO' regulation so you have nothing to worry about when you have to CoBi-pool your way back from office at night.

虽然你可能会认为,这次会议自行车,这不是安全与6贩卖后,他们的命运在手中的一loony steerer ,其实是附带的发电机供电灯/反射指出,符合严格的德国' stvo '的规管,使你有没有担心时,你必须cobi池您的方式回到办公室在夜间进行。

Make up one's mind the minister of foreign affairs miss an opportunity make a mistake by mistake in modern times small money have no money with sb. make sb. monitor on the early morning at the top of the mountain join the navy if necessary in need of help take on a new look hit sb. on the nose make / take notes have nothing to do with put up a notice pay no notice to sb. be in operation place an order for sth.

下决心 外交部长错过机会犯错误由疏忽所致现代零钱某人身上没钱选某人为班长某一天清早在山顶上参加海军如果有必要的话需要帮助呈现一片新面貌打某人的鼻子做笔记与…无关张贴通知对某人毫不在意运转着,实施中订购某物失业了一副眼镜颐和园

If only one or two families catch all the pests in their fieldsthis way,when those in other people'S fields have nothing left toeat they'11 swarm over like refugees;SO catching them is just awaste of time.


And as different degrees of industry were apt to give men possessions in different proportions, so this invention of money gave them the opportunity to continue and enlarge them: for supposing an island, separate from all possible commerce with the rest of the world, wherein there were but an hundred families, but there were sheep, horses and cows, with other useful animals, wholesome fruits, and land enough for corn for a hundred thousand times as many, but nothing in the island, either because of its commonness, or perishableness, fit to supply the place of money; what reason could any one have there to enlarge his possessions beyond the use of his family, and a plentiful supply to its consumption, either in what their own industry produced, or they could barter for like perishable, useful commodities, with others?


My five-fingered duck puppet came in handy last week for the song "Five little ducks went out one day ..." Nothing like a puppet and singing to have everyone in class listen up!!


Even if a theory of medicine or physical philosophy be put forth in a metrical form, it is usual to describe the writer in this way; Homer and Empedocles, however, have really nothing in common apart from their metre; so that, if the one is to be called a poet, the other should be termed a physicist rather than a poet.


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What are your goals and strategies for growth?


And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven irits of God, and the seven star I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.

3:1 你要写信给撒狄教会的使者,说,那有神的七灵和七星的,说,我知道你的行为,按名你是活的,其实是死的。

"It is a testament to making sure unemployment compensation is available, making sure we are looking out for people who have lost their jobs," she said.
