英语人>网络例句>glances 相关的网络例句

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与 glances 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And Stephen, each in his own particular way, both instinctively exchanged meaning glances, in a religious silence of the strictly entre nous variety however, towards where Skin-the-Goat, alias the keeper, not turning a hair, was drawing spurts of liquid from his boiler affair.


If your article just picks up phrases from others and show them off as his own, I think the editor glances sideways to expunge your article casually!


He had about him all the entertaining fatuity of a young leading gentleman whose love affairs prosper, and he rolled around the most swaggering glances, which excited shrill feminine laughter in the boxes.


Then suddenly, and as if it had been so all the time, every hole, far and near, and there were hundreds of them, seemed to possess its face, coming and going rapidly, all fixing on him glances of malice and hatred: all hard-eyed and evil and sharp.


Again, there are some so heedful of their looks that they cast upon the multitude such glances as


Again, there are some so heedful of their looks that they cast upon the multitude such glances as they have seen in theatres, and in pictures.


I could see them stealing quick glances at their impassive son, much like I was.


On a summer day in June, an inadvertent touch of her hand on his leads on to stolen glances, sighs, Platonic love, kissing, etc., and finally she "consents"(for which Plato and Inez are to blame).


His father remarked the restless glances wandering to the window, and the hand irresolutely extended towards his cap.


Instead of exchanging lustful glances, the couple looked away from each other.


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Always All Ways (Apologies, Glances And Messed Up Chances)

Life. But the intrinsic way of the Internet by wire confines accessing and using of the network information.


I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
