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与 funeral 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In ancient funeral service and burial, the role of "teacher"was in the embarrassing situation,"teacher"had not funeral service and burial, and this did not change from Confucian times to HanTang, but because of "teacher" special political and cultural status, they had funeral service and burial from public college to private education in HanTang period.


Ancient emperors significantly Collinson, Princess Princess, VIPs, in the funeral activities, not only to use a large number of funerary wine and drinks, but also in the funeral was held with a large number of liquor ceremonies.


He was honored with a huge funeral cortege, with all members present in full funeral regalia.


When a 20-year-old funeral home cosmetician, Irene, has a massive seizure, she hallucinates that the cadavers in the funeral home have come to life, House and the remaining seven fellowship candidates must figure out why.


They had to cut short their conversation when from the funeral hall there came an ear-splitting din of funeral music and wail ing, punctuated by a loud hammering on some wooden object.


Jason and Rachael Storm held their wedding at a funeral home in US State of Michigan, where he is a funeral director.


"They happen pretty often, especially when teenagers or younger people die," said Yang Husheng, 48, a traveling funeral director in the region who said he last attended such a funeral in the spring.


Pat Lynch, of the National Funeral Home Directors Association, told AP news agency:"There's no question in my mind as a funeral director for nearly 40 years that the most critical element is the human contact."

全国殡仪馆主管协会的发言人,Pat Lynch告诉美联社记者:"以我近40年的殡仪馆从业经验来说,这没什么可疑问的,因为这行最关键因素是人类之间的那种情愫。"

Zang li 1.a funeral; the burial rites; the last honor; a funeral service; a funeral ceremony; obsequies


And when Calu was whispering "My Funeral Rehearsal", I realized that it's not a rehearsal at all but indeed the real funeral of this Matryoshka doll.

后来听到Calu在绕缠的琴声下宛如耳语般轻唱出&My Funeral Rehearsal&,我更加明白,这根本不是什麼彩排预演,而确实是Matryoshka这娃娃的葬礼。

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Hey, It's Your Funeral Mama
State Funeral
My Sanity On The Funeral Pyre
Fall In Love (Your Funeral)
The Funeral
The Past Is Like A Funeral
Funeral Of A Good Grrl
Funeral Thirst
Funeral Bell

For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
