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The discussion of this issue is barely involved with how the spirit of Utopia and individual value that exist naturally in the Western abstractionism have decayed and weakened while it is developed in China style. Instead, it concerns the gains and losses of 'nationalizing' the oil paintings, safeguarding cautiously the inherent spirit of the modern tradition, which, together with non-painting avant-garde art and figurative paintings, constitutes the three-pillar fine art forms.


Allegoric prose through the statements of figurative tale or similar cases represent author's thoughts and opinions.


Just as John was Elias in a figurative sense and not in person, so the bread on the altar is Christ's body in a figurative sense.


In general, the figurative language in that Book is instructive in regard to the phraseology used in the Apocalyptic portions of the New Testament.


Christ, however, instead of informing His Apostles that he intended to use such a figure, told them rather the contrary in the discourse containing the promise:"the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world"(John 6:52), Such language, of course, could be used only by a God-man; so that belief in the Real Presence necessarily presupposes belief in the true Divinity of Christ, The foregoing rules would of themselves establish the natural meaning with certainty, even if the words of Institution,"This is my body - this is my blood", stood alone, But in the original text corpus and sanguis are followed by significant appositional additions, the Body being designated as "given for you" and the Blood as "shed for you "; hence the Body given to the Apostles was the self same Body that was crucified on Good Friday, and the Chalice drunk by them, the self same Blood that was shed on the Cross for our sins, Therefore the above-mentioned appositional phrases directly exclude every possibility of a figurative interpretation.

基督的,不过,不是告诉他的门徒说,他打算利用这样一个数字,告诉他们,而不是相反,在话语含有许诺说:"面包,我会给予,是我的肉体,为生活的世界"(约翰6时52分),如语言,当然可以只用了一个神人,所以这种信念,在现实存在一定的先决条件的信念,在真正的基督的神,前述规则,将自己建立的自然与意义确定性,即使字的机构,"这是我的身体-这是我的血",孤家寡人,而且在原来的文本语料库和血,其次是显著的a ppositional增补时,身体被指定为"给你",以及血液作为"大棚为你",因此,身体向使徒是自我同一机构,被钉在十字架上周五良好,并chalice喝醉了,由他们来说,自我相同的血缘,这是大棚在十字架上为我们的罪,因此,上面提到的appositional短语直接排除一切可能性,一个形象化的诠释。

Kandinsky is a benchmark for your unrehearsed response to abstract art, for two reasons. First, he helped invent it, and second, he understood that non-figurative art was one facet of an esthetic movement that also included atonal music.


Since the 16th century was apparently every bit as afflicted by longwinded balderdash as ours,"bombast" almost immediately acquired the figurative meaning of "fancy or pretentious language on a trivial subject," and we've been inundated by verbal "bombast" ever since.


Peoples' Pick: Figurative Painting - Randolphlee McIver - Figurative Painter, Draughtsman, Sculptor Webbie Review: An interesting artist and a nice site to display his talents.

人民的选择:形象绘画 randolphlee麦基弗--比喻画家、绘图、雕塑家webbie审查:一个有趣的艺术家和优秀网站展示自己的才华。

During the 1950s Pollock continued to produce figurative or quasi-figurative black and white works and delicately modulated paintings in rich impasto as well as the paintings in the new all-over style.


In its exploration of Antarctic seas, the figurative haystack, Census researchers found many new species, especially isopod species, represented by only a single animal, the figurative needle, among thousands of specimens collected.


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I put some current in side the surface and use two planes to cut the surface, then made two Amperian loops, then do integral on Theta.


Toucans|for this musical revue in Brazil.

知道吗 我以前去找能唱歌的鸟|为巴西的音乐剧找巨嘴鸟

Description:描述: You're a treasure seeker in search of lost tombs and temples that you learned about from some old papyrus scrolls.
