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feel cold相关的网络例句

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与 feel cold 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At their backs, West Berliners feel the cold-eyed scrutiny of the Communist cops, whose duty is to guard their frontier not from those outside, but against their own people.


Many admirers have testified to the "nonchalance" of Testino's photo-shoots, the relaxed, almost intimate, feel to the pictures, as though the overly-papped film and pop stars have discovered a friend, rather than a cold-eyed voyeur, behind the lens.


No,but I feel so cold.


If it's cold or wet, remember that your hands and feet will feel the coldest.


Without giving himself time to reconsider his decision, and, indeed, that he might not allow his thoughts to be distracted from his desperate resolution, he bent over the appalling shroud, opened it with the knife which Faria had made, drew the corpse from the sack, and bore it along the tunnel to his own chamber, laid it on his couch, tied around its head the rag he wore at night around his own, covered it with his counterpane, once again kissed the ice-cold brow, and tried vainly to close the resisting eyes, which glared horribly, turned the head towards the wall, so that the jailer might, when he brought the evening meal, believe that he was asleep, as was his frequent custom; entered the tunnel again, drew the bed against the wall, returned to the other cell, took from the hiding-place the needle and thread, flung off his rags, that they might feel only naked flesh beneath the coarse canvas, and getting inside the sack, placed himself in the posture in which the dead body had been laid, and sewed up the mouth of the sack from the inside.


Patient male, 28 years old, at 4 appeared a few days ago the whole body, cold quiver calorific, temperature 39 ℃, the courtyard is diagnosed outside feel to go up, give hormone, antibiotic to reconcile treatment of hot demulcent drug, did not see improve, come my courtyard sees a doctor.

概要: 患者男性,28岁,于4日前出现全身、寒颤发热,体温39℃,外院诊断为上感,给予激素、抗生素和解热镇痛药治疗,未见好转,来我院就诊。

Out of their professional sense and care of me, they suggested a thorough check. I didn't think it so serious and needed any hurry. For one thing I didn't think there would be anything seriously wrong with my body let alone get cancer. For another thing, it was the end of the term then. There was much work to do and everyone had his duty and task. If I asked for leave, someone had to take my class instead, which might add to his burden. Furthermore, I feel a baffling repugnance to hospitals--- following prescribed orders and rules docilely, working in a mechanical way, unreasonable and cold.


I feel his cold embrace...


From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you feel


From this dark, cold hotel room and the endlessness that you feel.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
