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与 federations 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Without a theoretically elaborated strategy uniting the interests of the working classes of the developed and less developed countries, it will not be possible to unite the two major international labor federations—the World Federation of Trade Unions and the International Federation of Free Trade Unions.


I have been talking to Presidents of our National Federations.


Among the leaders of the federations of trade unions of each province, municipality and autonomous region, there are one to two chairwomen or vice-chairwomen.


There is also a need for international funders to develop an understanding of the requirements of community organizations and federations, for both project and non-project support.


She asked the women's federations at all levels to promote the development of urban and rural women's handicrafts as employment, entrepreneurship and building a harmonious Shaanxi Province, an important starting point, give full play to the organization, guiding and coordinating role, so that women truly hand-carry forward the national culture of small products, showing charisma of Jin-Guo largest industry.

她要求各级妇联组织把win7 oem diy发展手工艺品作为推动城乡妇女创业就业、构建和谐陕西的重要抓手,充分发挥组织、引导、协调作用,使妇女手工小产品真正成为弘扬民族文化、展示巾帼风采的大产业。

MONDO has been the official supplier of consecutive editions of the Olympics (from Montreal 1976 to Athens 2004), and the Official Technical Supplier for the major national and international events and sports federations.


While based on the companions model and self-capacity model, selecting companions and allying companions can be realized and agent federations which can be nested are built to support the cooperation in the virtual enterprise. The tasks and activities in the virtual enterprise can be implemented through the activity model in the agent. In the virtual enterprises, we discuss the cooperation and negotiation deeply.


CE. The Earth Alliance has just placed a massive space station, Babylon 5, in orbit around a planet in a neutral corner of a distant galaxy to serve as a refuge for anyone seeking sanctuary from the tyranny of the hostile federations that dominate the outermost regions of space.

公元2 2 5 8 年,地球联邦发射一艘巨大太空站-五号战星,往遥远宇宙的中立区域,围绕著某颗星球运行,为许多受到暴政统治的星际难民提供庇身之所。

064 Track races included in the World and Continental calendars shall be run on a UCI-approved track.Other tracks shall be under regulation of the National Federations of the countries where they are located.


It is the special work of women's federations.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
