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Used in shaping process of brick production , the treated clay will be plastic extruded by up stage then via vacuum room into down stage, estruding into solid or hollow clay column of required cross section and shape which then cut into greenbrecks by green breck cutter.


Electric remote control device adjustment is used, General monlchamus tuhung seat mounted above the keybed-iron plate, covering a hard plastic, and a flexible plastic to prevent ink seepage, each iron plate is fitted with a front end, eccentric roller roller bearing rings on both sides of the plastic top tight in tuhung roll, bucket seat is fitted with a total of 30 to 32 of these eccentric roll, each of which the width of the eccentric roll and 30 ~ 32 mm, when servo motor signal receiving console by mechanical structure, change the eccentric roller and rollers of the gap, so that once the monlchamus tuhung-high ink, led, according to the extruded plastic clearance form different deposit, attachthemselves in tuhung roll, roll over the ink input ink this structure is characterized by correctly restrict each supply the location of the monlchamus region of adjustment on the nearby monlchamus area for inking, plastic affected by friction, easy-to-wear constantly, you need to change on a regular basis.


Durum is unique for its utility in the production of numerous extruded pasta products in addition to specialty products such as couscous and bulgur.


S where the threaded portion has an extruded rigid "canula" of small diameter. These are used where the areas of application of the product are specifically defined.


If higher energy input is required for the extruded compound the maximum number of pins can be successively increased to a total of 36 pins.


The reason is that on a number of extruded compound modification oilysludge, just one layer on the heatsealing layer blending, middle-tier also may be in a lower-cost.


So far they have attracted three sponsors - an injection molder, an extruded products firm and a compounder.

到目前为止,他们已经吸引三个提案国-注射成型,挤出产品的公司和一个compounder 。

Drinklid, from Teich AG (part of Constantia Flexibles Group) which features an innovative co-extruded double layer film with laser perforation, was awarded an Alufoil Trophy 2009 for its use on milkshake drink cups from Tine, of Norway.


Smokeless powder又称为cordite【A smokeless explosive powder consisting of nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, and petrolatum that has been dissolved in acetone, dried, and extruded in cords.

无烟线状火药,一种无烟炸药,由硝化纤维素、硝化甘油和凡士林组成,在丙酮中溶解,风干并压成绳状),属于double base powder硝化甘油与硝化纤维双基火药),是跟黑火药完全不同的东西。

Rather than being in the form of noodles or extruded shapes, couscous is granular.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
