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与 earthenware 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A short earthenware pipe on the top of a chimney to increase the draft.


The life of man, to use a constantly recurring Buddhist simile or parable, is like the flame of an Indian lamp, a metal or earthenware saucer in which a cotton wick is laid in oil.


One of my English reference sources states that: Mug was originally a term for all earthenware vessels including bowls, jugs, ewers and so on and those potters specializing in these were called mug-potters which continued into Georgian times..

翻译﹕Mug或许源自北欧的Mugg﹔1979 版的「新字典」(注﹕Houghton Mifflin Company所出版)-我的英文参考来源之一是这麼陈述的﹕&Mug原本是一个术语﹐泛指所有的陶瓦器皿﹐包括碗N大口有把手的水罐N脸盆等等﹐一直到乔治王朝(1714年起)﹐专做此类器皿的陶匠都叫马克陶匠&。

A crew member on the Emily (ironically, he was named Terranova,"New World" in English) dropped an earthenware pitcher onto the head of a Chinese fruit seller in a boat below; she fell overboard and drowned.


There was a gas ring in the fender , and a shelf where food was kept, and on the landing outside there was a brown earthenware sink, common to several rooms


Put chicken soup, fresh milk, salt, chicken extract, scallion ginger, trmella and embyo lamb in earthenware pot.


He delves into every possibility offered by his material, whether it be hand-worked porcelain and earthenware or the slumping and cutting of industrial ceramics using computerized water-jet technology. His practice also extends to other materials and techniques such as stone and wood. With his numerous murals, he is well known for his contribution to Public art.


More than 5000 year ago Chinese river mhos already to have the earthenware, has discovered the porcelain piece.


I fondly remember until now these days: Our You Yuyuan, walked until tired together has then drunk tea in the mid-lake pavilion, ate "the bad earthenware bowl" to the old hotel, had one's wish chats.


Pewter plates and tankards were made in the Middle Ages and remained popular until they were superseded by cheaper earthenware and porcelain in the 18th century.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
