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Though he had drifted into Rastafarianism out of schoolboy curiosity, believing only parts of it and smoking no ganja, the South African Broadcasting Corporation saw the album as a challenge, and banned it from the airwaves.


"I saw you," Hurstwood said, genially, the next time Drouet drifted in to his polished resort, from which he could not stay away.


Example It is generally accepted that the single super continent known as Pangaea indeed existed, that Pangaea subsequently broke apart into two giant pieces, Gondwanaland in the south and Laurasia in the north, and that the continents attached to the various crustal plates separated and drifted in various directions.

人们普遍接受,Pangaea 以一个特别大的陆地形式存在,后来他被分为两个大块,在南边的 Gondwanaland 和在北边的 Laurasia,他和那些在不同地壳上的大陆分开了并且向不同方向上漂移。

Former NASA astronaut Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper lost the bag during a November spacewalk to repair a balky solar array joint on the International Space Station as part of NASA's STS-126 shuttle mission. A grease gun leaked inside the bag, which apparently wasn't secured properly, and it drifted free while Stefanyshyn-Piper was trying to clean up the mess.


The fact that I've drifted away since those halcyon days demonstrates, I suppose, that I'm a fair weather sports fan rather than a perennially loyal, diehard one.


It was at least a half-mile in front of me when it finally drifted back to the right lane.


But I stayed there. I drifted about the Iconostasis and prayed.


No one in the interregnum seemed to feel final responsibility, and so matters drifted along.


However, three years later, artifacts from the Jeannette were found washed up on the coast of Greenland after having drifted thousands of miles in the ice.


I wish that I could remember all of what he said after the film, but quite honestly when he walked into the room I drifted into a zone of God only knows where and could only hear that beautiful voice that is unmistakeably Keanu Reeves.

我希望自己能够记住他在影片放后的活动中所说的一切,但是,老实说,就在他步入房间的那一刻,我彻底迷失了,只能够辨认他那迷人的声音,确凿无疑是Keanu Reeves。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
