英语人>网络例句>draw 相关的网络例句
与 draw 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Evev though/as usual The brightness ought to arouse people to AIDS annotates a medium (draw one's atteniou to) We are three's tall students , we do not ought to indulge in computer game That young reporter makes a resolution to report this matter truly (make up one's mind) I live within one room towards the north , can not find sunlight all day long When the fireman is got to, the house has already been burned down Even if in the once failing,I give up neither Be negligent leading to (the to testing the lead failing) I am able to persuade him to change mind as far as possible (make enery efort/ change one's mind) The children hopes that the soon gets rid of zoo play That you ought to pay attention to English much listen to and say otherwise, you are in communicating with the foreigner is able to have difficulty As long as you study attentively in English, you are therefore likely to learn (putone with English; S mind to) Leave classroom front , be sure to be good with the lock make sure

evev though/as usual)媒体应该引起人们对艾滋病的光注(draw one's atteniou to)我们是高三的学生,我们不应该沉迷于电脑游戏那位年轻记者下决心真实的报道此事(make up one's mind)我住在一间朝北的房间里,终日不见阳光消防队员到达时,房子已经被烧毁了即使在失败一次,我也不放弃粗心大意导致试验失败我会尽力劝说他改变主意(make enery efort / change one's mind)孩子们盼望早日去动物园玩你应该多注意英语听和说,否则,你在与外国人交流是会有困难只要你专心于英语学习,你就能把英语学好(putone;s mind to )离开教室前,一定把们锁好

The procedure can be used to study VC direct draw programming, game programming can be used as data entry.

该程序中可以学习用VC实现direct draw编程,可以作为游戏编程的入门资料。

Basic game programming draw direct entry, a good reference for beginners.

最基本的direct draw 游戏编程入门,很好的参考,对于初学者。

Direct draw application code, you can draw on a mobile device brilliant images.

详细说明: direct draw应用代码,可以在移动设备上画出绚丽图像。

This is explained in more detail in the Draw Guide .


For a more detailed explanation of the drawing tools and their uses, see the Draw Guide .

关於绘图工具及其使用的更详细的解释,参见 Draw 指南。

The coloring scheme might be as simple as "draw everything in fire-engine red," or might be as complicated as "assume the object is made out of blue plastic, that there's a yellow spotlight pointed in such and such a direction, and that there's a general low-level reddish-brown light everywhere else."

色彩设计也许是一样简单象"draw 一切在消防车红色,"或也许是一样复杂的象"assume 对象被做从蓝色塑料,那那里'一盏黄色聚光灯指向在这样和这样方向的s,和那那里's 一般低级红棕色光到处else。"

Consequently, the circle viewed as a point still has Circle as a type description because the pointer in its .class com- ponent has not changed. draw is a selector function, i.e., it will take whatever argument is passed as self, proceed to the type description indicated by .class, and call the draw method stored there.


It will not be called when you draw your game because the GameComponent does not have a Draw method.

当你绘制游戏的时候他却不会被调用,因为 GameComponent 类中没有包含 Draw 方法。

Software Description: About Draw Poker (5 card), This is a five-card draw poker simulation game with computer opponents ranging from amateur to genius.

Draw Poker (5 card)这是一款与计算机对手进行对战的5张牌的模拟拖拽纸牌游戏,从业余游戏者到专业游戏者都适用。

第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Draw The Line
Where I Draw The Line
Win, Lose Or Draw
Draw Me Nearer
Draw Your Swords
Settle For A Draw
Draw Me A Circle
The Draw
Draw You
Draw A Crowd

For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
