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与 downward 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The young man took the sweater, crystal tears down the cheeks downward mobility,"are so big, I still cry, but not can not be met, and quickly go!"


In a society in which upward mobility is the norm, downward mobility is not only discouraged but even considered unwise, unhealthy, or downright stupid.


The rich tended to have more children who survived than their poorer compatriots and this led to a kind of downward mobility as sons of merchants became small traders, sons of traders became craftsmen and so on.


He's made himself drastically more susceptible to downward mobility by having an extra monthly bill to pay for car costs, and he's deprived himself of money he could have saved.


Therefore, persons of upward social mobility are more influenced by structural factors and personal social and economic factors; persons of downward social mobility and horizontal social mobility are more influenced by life cycle needs, such as marital change.


With a Multinomial Logit Model, the result suggests that there is structural difference in career mobility between women and men, women encounters higher risk at downward mobility and less opportunity to get promoted.


Gary Burtless of the Brookings Institution, a think-tank, thinks some of the downward mobility unearthed by the Pew study will turn out to be nothing more sinister than a reversion to the mean.

布鲁金斯学会智囊团Gary Burtless表示,皮尤信托发现的这一向下发展的趋势并不如人们想象中的那么恐怖,而只是一种正常的回归现象。

It is also about migrations within the language's own borders, about upward and downward mobility, about words losing their roots, turning up in new surroundings, or lying in wait, like "duvet" which was mentioned by Samuel Johnson, for their moment.


With a Multinomial Logit Model,the result suggests that there is structural difference in career mobility betweenwomen and men ,women encounters higher risk at downward mobility and less opportunityto get promoted.


Models on three types of social mobility demonstrate the obvious differences of factors influencing residential mobility of persons with different types of social mobility. Persons of upward social mobility obtain more chances of residential mobility in any period of housing reform because of their higher social and economic status, no matter in planning system or market system. Persons of downward social mobility nearly do not enjoy any benefit in housing reform and housing market construction, and consequently have the lowest residential mobility rate. Persons of horizontal mobility only obtain more chances of residential mobility in the most radical period of housing reform.


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Downward Road
The Downward Spiral
The Downward Dance

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
