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与 downward 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results ①Of 82% OSAHS patients' sleep indices were normal after the oral appliance therapy;②Compared to the control group,the patients with OSAHS had narrower upper-posterior airway volume and shorter distance from tip of the uvula to the posterior pharyngeal wall and lower positioned hyoid bone and shorter tongue before treatment;③Compared to before treatment,the OSAHS patients after therapy had lower positioned and shorter and flatter tongue,the upper hyoid bone,more anterior and downward mandibular and wider upper-posterior airway volume.

结果 ①82%患者治疗后睡眠指标达正常标准;②与配对组相比OSAHS患者上气道后间隙及悬雍垂尖至咽后壁距较窄,舌骨至下颌平面距较大,舌较短;③戴入口腔矫治器后患者舌体下降,舌变短而平坦,舌骨上移,下颌骨前下方移位,上气道后间隙扩大,与配对组比较,除舌体下移外其它测量项目值差异无显著性。

Results ①Of 82% OSAHS patients' sleep indices were normal after the oral appliance therapy;②Compared to the control group,the patients with OSAHS had narrower upper-posterior airway volume and shorter distance from tip of the uvula to the posterior pharyngeal wall and lower positioned hyoid bone and shorter tongue before treatment;③Compared to before treatment,the OSAHS patients after therapy had lower positioned and shorter and flatter tongue,the upper hyoid bone,more anterior and downward mandibular and wider upper-posterior airway volume.In comparison to control subjects,the indices were almost the same except for the lower positioned tongue.

结果 ①82%患者治疗后睡眠指标达正常标准;②与配对组相比OSAHS患者上气道后间隙及悬雍垂尖至咽后壁距较窄,舌骨至下颌平面距较大,舌较短;③戴入口腔矫治器后患者舌体下降,舌变短而平坦,舌骨上移,下颌骨前下方移位,上气道后间隙扩大,与配对组比较,除舌体下移外其它测量项目值差异无显著性。

Combined with that the influence of the prestressed tendon layout on mechanics characteristic of three-span prestressed concrete deck arch bridge is taken into account in these methods, and demand of internal force and displacement in design is satisfied by using upward and downward eccentric layout of prestressed tendon.


One person with a telescope or long lens and two with binoculars, all looking downward.


Through analysis to the pumping unit's load characteristic, the relationship between the position of the suspension point load's peak value and the oil well's parameters has been obtained and a new method about the transforming of the pumping unit with downward beam balance weight is proposed.


Gravity anomaly of sea surface, vertical gradient of gravity anomaly, downward continuation, cylinder method, geometry method


Correspondent to the skewness of boundary layer mean flow, upward transfer of turbulent momentum in major part of CBL could occur over warmer surface, while there formed a major path for downward momentum transfer over cooler surface.


The takedown is immediately followed by a straight-legged downward stomp of the opponent's head with the heel.


By adopting mechanical driving mode, the machine can be used for perform injection with stable pressure on bone pork, beef and poultry. When the injection needle contacts the bone, the downward movement is stopped by the pneumatic spring to protect the needle. The air chamber pressure of pneumatic spring is adjustable in order to ensure no damage on the bone.


Preoperatively, the following findings were typically observed: provocation of symptoms by certain postures (the so-called spear-throwing position as well as downward tugging of the shoulder) and marked tenderness in the supraclavicular fossa. The intergroup severity of the symptoms was comparable.


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Downward Road
The Downward Spiral
The Downward Dance

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
