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与 decisive 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I could name a score of cases in which it would have been decisive.


The results show that absolute convergence does not exist in rural economics among provinces, indicating that the economics growth of undeveloped provinces is not faster than that of developed provinces. However, the economic development in rural China is characterized by the conditional convergence, that is, if the decisive factors stability is insured, the economic growth of undeveloped provinces would be faster than that of developed provinces. Thus, the disparity among them could be narrowed.


From Everbright Securities research report said the acquisition of the assets of the company's future performance influenced the company's future development plays a decisive role.


What are essence of the administration structure of companies and decisive factor?


Ox disgusting alert vitality hamster as timid as a mouse chinchilla weasel ferocious glare energetic twice as powerful bully others by flaunting one's powerful connections tiger cub roar vet surgery come around injection vigorous mating season white tiger Bengal tiger graceful agile adoptability oath vow dragon rising and tigers leaping punishment cold blood animal longevity dark horse freedom uphold mustang Prince Charming high horse chivalrous vigor black sheep meek monkey slim dexterous rare animals mischievous platform diving macaque hot spring trouble maker young monkey imitative ability coomedian primate sweet potato salt water imitative rob diligent auspicious ordinary punctual cock-a-doodle-doo frank decisive aggressive cockfighting showtime chicken run circus clown grass roots lucky dog Every dog has his day.

牛年 讨厌警报活力仓鼠由于胆小作为鼠标 chinchilla 黄鼠狼来势凶猛眩光精力充沛两次威力欺负别人的旗号,一个强大的连接老虎幼童吼审核手术来靠近注射液大力交配季节白虎孟加拉虎婀娜多姿敏捷可采宣誓发誓龙的崛起和跨越式老虎处罚冷血动物长寿黑马自由坚持野马王子魅力高马侠客活力害群之马温柔猴小井灵巧稀有动物恶作剧平台跳水猕猴温泉麻烦制造者青少年猴模仿能力 coomedian 灵长类甘薯咸水模仿抢劫勤政吉祥普通准时公鸡一派对斗坦率决定性侵略性斗鸡演出鸡运行马戏团小丑基层这只幸运的狗每只狗都拥有他那一天。

Nowadays, the advancement and innovation of science and technology is the decisive force in economic and social development.


One, control member it is empty pipe line of business the intelligence that control of the traffic in the most important resource sky is danger of a Gao Feng works, get information ceaselessly, the analysis evaluates trends, decisive make judgement decision-making, issue instruction information, deploy safe control interval to run medium aerostat at any time, handle all sorts of bolt in time special affection.


The name of a decisive battle, frequently remembered by a decisive officer, major Brian Cooper Tweedy.


He cannot be decisive without thinking for a long time; he is decisive because he has abandoned the two-dimensional illusionistic painting language given to the canvas; instead he tries to present directly the properties of the canvas and the material attributions to the paint, pursuing something else in the direct expression.


The great Henri Cartier-Bresson is famous for having captured "the decisive moment." Your neighborhood is full of decisive moments.

伟大的摄影师 Henri Cartier-Bresson ,就是因为捕捉到了具有决定性意义的一瞬间,才会闻名于世界。

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For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
