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与 dairymen 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was not the expression of the valley's consciousness that beautiful Tess had arrived, but the ordinary announcement of milking-time - half-past four o'clock, when the dairymen set about getting in the cows.


Some of the increase was due to New York dairymen padding their milk with water, and then restoring its richness with flour — just like their latter-day Chinese counterparts, who increased the protein levels in watered-down milk by adding the noxious chemical melamine.


With a splash of full-page newspaper ads, two Boston dairies started the first big sales of a new product that many dairymen think may revolutionize the dairy industry.


Some of the increase was due to New York dairymen padding their milk with water, and then restoring its richness with flour — just like their latter-day Chinese counterparts, who increased the protein levels in watered-down milk by adding the noxious chemical melamine.


Some of the increase was due to New York dairymen padding their milk with water, and then restoring its richness with flour — just like their latter-day Chinese counterparts, who increased the protein levels in watered-down milk by adding the noxious chemical melamine.


A number of critics including at least one state agriculture commissioner have called it "crack for cows" for the way it speeds up the cow's milk production.. but despite its promise of profit, some dairymen say the product doesn't always lead to happy trails for the cows or for those who tend them.


The majority of dairymen have a cross manner at milking-time, but it happened that Mr Crick was glad to get a new hand - for the days were busy ones now - and he received her warmly; inquiring for her mother and the rest of the family -(though this as a matter of form merely, for in reality he had not been aware of Mrs Durbeyfields existence till apprised of the fact by a brief business letter about Tess).


The majority of dairymen have a cross manner at milking-time, but it happened that Mr Crick was glad to get a new hand - for the days were busy ones now - and he received her warmly; inquiring for her mother and the rest of the family -(though this as a matter of form merely, for in reality he had not been aware of Mrs Durbeyfield's existence till apprised of the fact by a brief business letter about Tess).


It was not the expression of the valley's consciousness that beautiful Tess had arrived, but the ordinary announcement of milking-time - half-past four o'clock, when the dairymen set about getting in the cows.


So skillful were his confectioners and dairymen , that all the various kinds of food that were served by his cooks , either meat-cooks or fruit-cooks , they also would serve up , making them now out of confectionery or again out of milk-products.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
