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与 cultivation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Xanthium sibiricum has much application value in medicine, pesticide and other fields. It was callus cultivation system, tissue cultivation technology system of Xanthium sibiricum, antifungal activity of callus extract to Botrytis cinerea Pers.

苍耳在医药、农药等多方面有很高的应用价值,本文对苍耳愈伤组织的诱导、组织培养技术体系的建立、愈伤组织提取物对番茄灰霉病菌Botrytis cinerea Pers。

The results showed that the contents of nutrient components in plants propagated by thick scapes were higher than those by thin scapes, and the contents in open field cultivation were higher than those in protected cultivation.


Sweet pea flower origin,, sweet pea flower morphology, habits, Hong pea cultivars, sweet pea flower cultivation techniques, selection of species, sweet pea flower cultivation and management measures, sweet pea flower pea soup Congxiang practice.


While various operators are carrying out the adjustment of agricultural structure and development of competitive characteristic industry, their cultivation of crops, poultry and cattle rearing, aquiculture and facilities for agricultural scientific experiment shall be taken as the purpose for agriculture with the prerequisite of not violating relevant laws and regulations and policies and not destroying the condition for land cultivation.


Results showed that cultivation of forage crops, especially ryegrass and rye, in winter improved soil properties over cultivation of grain crops by lower soil pH and increasing contents of organic matter and available nutrients, which contributd to growth and possibly yield of the crop to follow.


To analysis the economic effect of using mycorrhizal seedings for production of muskmelon in plastic net house and PE sheet tunnel, the net incomes could increase up to about NT 22,700 dollars per 0.1 ha for plastic net house cultivation, while about NT 16,300 dollars per 0.1 ha for PE plastic sheet tunnel cultivation.


To analysis the economic effect of using mycorrhizal seedings for production of muskmelon in plastic net house and PE sheet tunnel, the net incomes could increase up to about NT 22,700 dollars per 0.1 ha for plastic net house cultivation, while about NT 16,300 dollars per 0.1 ha for PE plastic sheet tunnel cultivation.


This idea with self-cultivation as the core, outward of which is self-cultivation, family-regulation, state-ruling and world-governance, inward of which is studying things, induction by conscience, sincerity and impartial heart, eliminated the personal and social barriers and the subjective and objective gap, reaching the spiritual realm of Integrating the inside and the outside.


According to the recent years study and productive practice of LV Centinula edodes of Gu county, Shanxi, the key techniques for spring cultivation of lentinula edodes?s high yield and good quality are put forward, including choosing suitable cultivation time , proper cultivars and making a good management during the colour-change and passing summer.


Second, Binghua soil suitable for the cultivation of flowers: Clivia particularly suitable for cultivation, cyclamen, orchids Kokura, Narcissus, white orchids, water lilies, lilies, tulips, begonia, snow lotus, and so on more than 100 species of flowers.


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He is intelligent, passionate, and a fun guy to hang around with.


First-rate method is to send a person to do mastication technically to digest these stuffs.


But there are many drawbacks if the government monopolizes their supply .
