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与 correspond to 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The message pump calls TranslateMessage on each retrieved message, and if it happens to correspond to an accelerator key, the equivalent WM_COMMAND is dispatched instead of the keyboard event.


The Ethernet optical network can offer Gbps data rate to correspond to multi-media communication. Besides, it was adopted point to multipoint optical network structure to avoid a large of optical fiber's use in point to point optical network structure as presented before.


The next chakra ,swadhisthana, is two fingers-width above mooladhara and corresponds to the sacral plexus .above this is manipura ,behind the navel ,which corresponds to the solar plexus .in the spinal column, in the region of the heart , lies anahata chakra which is connected to the cardiac plexus .in the middle of the neck is vishuddhi chakra which correspond to the cervical plexus .at the top of the spinal cord ,at the medulla oblongata, is the ajan chakra which is connected to the pineal gland in the physical body.


Seeing image as a matrix, the method applied singular value decomposition on image matrix to decompose image information to a series of sub-spaces correspond to singular value and singular value vector, and then by reconstruction of image matrix using effective singular value to remove noising.


This is not only a little part of my life story but a small mirror of society or education system. By mirroring these labeled classification rules in society and the process of separation and assimilation in education system, I resist to be assimilated into so-called mainstream value and to correspond to the label of non-mainstream value. I am trying to do myself in two way classification.


To their surprise and dismay, the surveyors had to report:"The Adventist stand on movies appears a lost cause, with only a fifth of our youth in harmony with it, and less than half their parents supporting the traditional view.... As to divorce, jewelry, and the movies, our historical positions simply do not correspond to our members' general practice."


In our system, we use three polytropic expansions which correspond to real life, to which we added two thermal exchanges during the expansion phase to come as close as possible to isothermic expansion which produces near-unity, avoiding friction.


There exits several MDO algorithms. But they are in our opinion either nonefficient or complicated. So we devised an algorithm called Subspace Approximation Optimization . In the SAO algorithm, the whole system is decomposed into one system-level optimization and several disciplinary optimizations so that a large and complicated problem can be divided into several easy-solving sub-problems. The coupling relationships and the coordination among disciplines are presented by equality constraints and these equality constraints are assigned to relevant disciplines. The optimums of design variables in system level optimization are transferred to discipline level optimization. The optimums of design variables in discipline level correspond to the point that is the nearest to the optimums of design variables in system level. If the optimums of design variables in system level are out of feasible region of discipline 1eve1, linear constraints can be built in the system level optimization using the design variable optimums obtained by the discipline level optimization. The system level optimization would improve the design of the whole system with these linear constraints.

目前,国内外已经发展出了多种飞机多学科设计优化算法,本文的重点是针对协同优化算法的不足,提出了子空间近似优化算法(Subspace ApproximatingOptimization,SAO),SAO算法中,整个系统的优化问题被分解成一个系统级优化和若干学科级优化,而各个学科之间的耦合与权衡关系则被当作等式约束,这些等式约束将被分配到各个学科级优化中去,系统级优化的任务是寻找整个系统的最优解,而学科级优化的目标函数是以系统级优化分配下来的设计点为圆心的超球半径的平方,因此,如果系统级优化分配下来的设计点在学科级优化可行域内,则学科级优化目标函数为0,反之,则学科级优化的最优点是系统级优化当前设计点距离可行域最近的点。

We're going to fault-failure analysis of the phenomenon, advice and information on parts of drawings, by fax Muller Martini, in line with company maintenance engineer Muller Martini is the second reasons and maintenance advice: first, check book block fixture tension of main spring length is 127mm; second, the book block fixture of the regulation to make the connection to the book block fixture of the chain and connect the main motor gear respectively correspond to a single yellow line is consistent with the relative distance between.


The English is so easi becaus of the skill need to master the write system ar 26 letter and thei ar written from left to right ,horizontally, across the page, with space to indic word boundaries. In comparison, Chines ha noth that correspond to an alphabet, though there ar recur compon that make up the characters.

英语之所以好学,就是因为掌握英语书写方法所需要的技能也就是 26 个字母而已,而且只要沿水平方向、从左到右、从页面的一边写到另一边,词与词之间留个空格就可以了相比之下,尽管中文也有组成汉字的那些共用的偏旁部首,却没有英文字母那样的顺序规则。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
