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与 continuation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Continuation lines can be used, with a backslash as the last character on the line indicating that the next line is a logical continuation of the line


The feasibility of the method depends on the continuation of the method and the status quo and the continuation of various links of the method itself.


There is 1 secondary school, 2 continuation schools and 9 primary schools in Pingshan sub-district; 1 secondary school, 1 continuation school and 3 primary schools in Kengzi sub-district.


In this paper, taking the downward continuation of potential field as an inverse problem of upward continuation, we obtain a convolution type linear integral equation for downward continuation. Making use of the orthogonal symmetry characteristic of Fourier transform matrix, and combining the principles of singular value decomposition of matrix and generalized inverse, we proposed a stable generalized inverse method for downward continuation of potential field, called wavenumber domain generalized inverse algorithm, which doesn't need the computation for inverse matrix. It resolves the instability of potential field downward continuation of large depth.


The computation implies that the influence of truncation error of up/downwards continuation is about 0.001 m2·s-2, the maximum error is only 0.11 m2·s-2, which can be ignored in CHAMP gravity field recovery. The influence of the reference gravity field error of up/downwards continuation is less than 0.1 m2·s-2 in general, but the maximum error can reach 1.3 m2·s-2. To reduce this error, a high-precision gravity field model should be used in the up/downwards continuation.

计算表明:延拓误差中的截断误差部分影响量级约0.001 m2·s-2,最大误差仅为0.11 m2·s-2,可完全忽略;延拓误差中的参考重力场模型误差影响随参考场选取的不同而有所差异,整体而言小于0.1 m2·s-2,但最大误差可达1.3 m2·s-2,采用高精度的参考重力场模型能大大减小延拓误差影响。

In this paper, an iterative approach to potential field continuation from curved surface to plane is proposed. The continuation of potential field data from a curved surface to a plane can be viewed as an inverse problem of upward continuation of plane potential field data, getting a linear integral equation. Through viewing the potential field data on the curved surface as the data on the average elevation plane of the curved surface, then using the wavenumber domain generalized inverse algorithm to downward continue the data from the average elevation plane to a given plane, and a topography correction based on the change of curved surface relative to its average elevation is implemented to the downward continued data on the given plane, finally the downward continued data plane is upward continued to the curved surface.


Farewell and Sleepless Night is the continuation of Why Does Sunset Make Us So Beautiful . This continuation is not referring to the form but to the relation of subject and object. Either surrealism or pictorialization is retreating from this continuation. From the unconscious split of subject and object to the hint of objectification, the pure object finally surfaced. This is a significant change of Deng Jianjin.


This condition is called azygous continuation of the inferior vena cava

这种情况叫azygous continuation of the inferior vena cava(我的理解是腔静脉肝段缺如而与奇静脉吻合,经上腔静脉从右上方注入共同心房)。

This condition is called azygous continuation of the inferior ena caa

这种情况叫 azygous continuation of the inferior ena caa (我的理解是腔静脉肝段缺如而与奇静脉吻合,经上腔静脉从右上方注入共同心房)。

However, after I came to understand distance education more deeply, I find that network distance continuation education has many advantages. Firstly, it breaks through the limitation of time and distance. It enables the students all over the country to get instructed from those top level teachers, take the most advanced teaching method, and enjoy richer education information resource. Secondly, it profits in extending the teaching scope, providing more education chances and more flexible way of learning, which make it possible to let more people accept education. Thirdly, the modern network distance continuation, which is based on information, offers a good space-time platform for a lifelong learning. At last, the modern network distance continuation makes students to focus on self study, which help them to fully develop their proactivity, intuitivity and creativity. For the four reasons mentioned above, finally, I chose network distance continuation education as the way of my further education.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
