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civil administration相关的网络例句

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与 civil administration 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Relevant requirements will be contained in General Administration of Civil Aviation of China RVSM airworthiness and flight standards policies.


On whether the administration's constant warnings about terrorism were making the public overly sensitive to security risks, Mr Chertoff said:"We have to have alertness and care but not hysteria or anxiety…We don't want to build a system that smothers us as a society, whether it is civil liberties or our economy."


The civil war and the baronial administration which began in 1263 were particularly lacking in legi...


Secondly, There was the Account of four Years more while they kept the Effects in their Hands, before the Government claim'd the Administration, as being the Effects of a Person not to be found, which they call'd Civil Death; and the Ballance of this, the Value of the Plantation encreasing, amounted to [38,892] Cruisadoes, which made 3241 Moidores.


Comparing Datong Area combined pollution index issued by State Environmental Protection Administration in 2005 with that in 2006,this paper gives an analysis of it and points out that both industry and civil heating has direct impact to the Datong area ambient air quality.


The Criminal Law stipulates that whoever disturbs public order so seriously that "work, production, business, education or scientific research cannot be conducted and the state and society suffer serious losses"; whoever assembles a crowd to disturb "order at stations, wharves, civil airports, market places, public parks, theatres, cinemas, exhibition halls, sports grounds or other public Places", or assembles a crowd to block traffic or undermine traffic order or resist "public security administration personnel of the state" or obstruct them "from carrying out their duties according to law, if the circumstances are serious";"whoever causes a person's injury, disability or death through 'beating, smashing and looting'" and whoever destroys or forcibly takes "articles of ppublic or private property";"whoever, by violence or other methods, including the use of 'big character posters' and 'small character posters'","publicly insults another person or fabricates facts to defame him, if the circumstances are serious";"whoever, for the purpose of counterrevolution," incites "the masses to resist or sabotage the implementation of the state's laws or decrees" or propagandizes for and incites "the overthrow of the political power of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the socialist system through counterrevolutionary slogans, leaflets or by other means" and commits a crime in violation of the Criminal Law shall be investigated for legal responsibility according to law.


He was for a time the director of the Treasury, responsible for the funds of a group of states known as the Delian Confederacy, and he served of the Board of Generals in administration of the civil and military affairs of Athens.


Like principles of civil liberty are everywhere fostering like methods of government; and if comparative studies of the ways and means of government should enable us to offer suggestions which will practicably combine openness and vigor in the administration of such governments with ready docility to all serious, well-sustained public criticism, they will have approved themselves worthy to be ranked among the highest and most fruitful of the great departments of political study.


He was esteemed one of its leading canonists and had a vast experience of administration, civil and ecclesiastical.


Nevertheless, nowadays such administration moral principles mistakes as corruption and decay in the civil servant team in China damage the government image and tamper with the normal social development seriously, which need to be solved emergently.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
