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与 che 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I cantanti hanno inserito alcuni elementi di 4chan Your pork and beans are belong to us, la banana che balla e le spade laser ovunque..

这些歌手包括一些内容4chan (您猪肉和豆类是属于我们的,跳舞的香蕉和激光剑只是到处pedobear失踪。。

I civici sanno bene che hanno vinto per questo, non per meriti illustri.


Lo diciamo che alla camera si hanno 70 onorevoli in più a fornte di solo 24.000 preferenze in più?


Ciò accade, ad esempio, con le macchine SIP Genevoise 550M e 305, che hanno bisogno di avere il software LMC in esecuzione in background.

这种情况下,作为一个例子,与SIP的Genevoise一系列550m机器,需要他们自己的LMC 运行的软件的背景。

Alberto Korda's photograph of Ernesto "Che" Guevara may be waved aloft by anti-globalisation protesters but it has spawned a global brand.

Alberto Korda拍摄的这张埃内斯托切格瓦拉的照片,虽然曾被反全球化的抗议者们在游行中疯狂的挥舞,现在却变成了一个全球范围内的标志。

Korda's portrait of Che Guevara; the naked, wailing Vietnamese girl photographed by Nick Ut as she fled a napalm attack; the sailor kissing the nurse on V-J Day in Times Square in 1945 by Alfred Eisenstaedt — all were snapped with Leicas.


After papa sings for him, he would say 'Bravo Papa!'. Instead of we asking him where is what, now he's telling us where is what, for example he would point to his nose and say 'Nos', point to the animals and vehicles in the book and say their names in his own way, pig is 'zhuzhu', horses are 'ma~', elephants are 'buuu~~', Lions are 'Leo', motorcylces are 'mo tuo che', 'tractor', 'kran', 'hua' 'uncle tom' (he means Jeeps, since Papa pointed to jeep told him Uncle Tom has one, he started calling jeep uncle Tom) and 'bus' etc.

现在,不只是我们问他什么在哪里,乐然自己会指着东西,告诉我们了,比如指着自己的鼻子,说'nos',指出书上的动物'猪猪',指着书上的吉普车,说'uncle Tom' (因为爸爸告诉他汤姆叔叔有辆吉普车,从此吉普车就被乐然叫做"uncle Tom"了。

Italia patria di mafiosi, grandi lavoratori e creativi… certamente molto più creativi dei tedeschi di MediaMarkt che propongono concorsi ed offerte per l'europeo attraverso la controllata italiana (negozi Media World e Saturn, ndr) mentre in patria propongono spot televisivi con Toni l'italiano.


The school, originally named SKH Yuen Chen Maun Chen Primary School AM, will turn whole-day operation at the existing premises after SKH YuenChen Maun Che n Primary School PM has merged w ith Stewards Pooi Yin Primary School in September 2009. For details, please cont act the

W23 该校原为圣公会阮郑梦芹上午小学,预计於2009 年9 月圣公会阮郑梦芹下午小学及香港神托会培贤小学合并后,於原址实施全日制授课,有关详情请

Younger woman.Che Musa, a man 70 years her junior in northern Terengganu state, with pictures of


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La Luna Che Non C'e
Che Gelida Manina
Le Parole Che Non Ti Ho Detto
Che Che Colé
L'uomo Che Non C'è
Sai Che C'è
Il Tempo Che Verrà
Nel Regno Di Chissà Che C'è
Lentamente (Il Primo Che Passa)
Quante Parole Che Non Dici

We will see more and more activist government policies that distinguish economic activities according to the nationality of the actors.


If we can prove the independence of an axiomatic system, then we can guarantee the conciseness of this system, ie.


You can save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide if you cut down your garbage by 10%.
