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与 captain 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The area used to be known as Nacochtank, which was a settlement of Necostan or Anacostan Indians. The Indians lived well there, surviving on an almost endless supply of fish from the river. The first European explorer to visit this area was Captain John Smith in 1608. His visit opened up the area to European settlement along the Anacostia River a few years later.

过去,这个区域较为人所知的名字是 Nacochtank ,它是 Necostan 或 Anacostan 印地安人的定居地;住在这儿的印地安人生活过的很好,他们依这条河内源源不绝的鱼儿维生。1608年时,第一个造访此处的欧洲探险家是约翰史密斯上尉( Captain John Smith ,因其与印地安公主 Pocahontas 的故事而为人所知),这个地方因他的造访而开启,几年后,欧洲人开始沿着阿纳卡斯蒂亚河创建殖民地。

I want Captain Crispy chicken/ to be the best chicken on the planet.

我希望Captain Crispy的炸鸡成为全球首屈一指的炸鸡。

When a creature resembling an Egyptian crocodile god wreaks havoc in the British Museum, Cutter recruits Egyptologist Sarah Page to assist with his research. The team also has a new Head of Security, Captain Becker.

首集讲述一只类似埃及鳄鱼神的生物於英国博物馆大肆破坏,Cutter教授於是找来埃及古物学者Sarah Page协助调查,而他亦同时为团队聘请了一位新的保安部头目Captain Becker。

And then if you're more bookish and you like words, you might notice the references I make, to Captain Picard or Freddie Mercury or Winona Ryder.

如果你是比较爱读书然后更喜欢文字游戏的话,你可能会注意到我引用的部分,比如Captain Picard, Freddie Mercury 或者 Winona Ryder。

The British maker of Smirnoff vodka, Captain Morgan rum and Guinness beer reported the sales decline for its July-September first quarter compared to analyst forecasts for an average 2.3 percent fall in sales in a Reuters poll of six brokers.

这家Smirnoff品牌伏特加、Captain Morgan品牌朗姆酒及Guinness品牌啤酒的英国制造商报告,其财年1季度(7月至9月)的销售额下滑。路透社对6家经纪商的分析师进行调研所得的预期均值为下跌2.3%。

In mid-3058, Star Captain Ragnar (formerly Prince Ragnar Magunsson of the Free Rasalhague Republic) was our Clan's contribution to Prince Victor Steiner-Davion's Coventry attack force.

3058年年中, Star Captain Ragnar(前Free Rasalhague共和国的王子,Star Captian:氏族军队编制及军官设置也请参考诸强的文章)作为我们氏族中的一员,对Victory王子的Coventry攻击部队做出了巨大贡献。

Kitty Cutey didn't notice that his uncle, Captain Cat was walking toward them, while he was talkikg to his teacher.

接著,因为我的叔叔Captain Cat病的很严重,所以我必须在医院陪他一会儿,所以我就迟到了。

On the left flank, 6th Company, under Captain Tsuji, reinforced with two heavy machine guns, moved in a southeast direction while 5th Company, commanded by Captain Aoyagi, also reinforced with two heavy machine guns, followed a parallel course on the right flank.


Captain, a several-hundred-year-old juniper tree.


At the start of the war Greengold, then a captain, was unattached to any unit as he was enrolled in a course for company commanders,[4] and was actually at home in his kibbutz.


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Captain Nemo
Captain Anarchy
Captain Bumout
Told My Captain
Space Captain
The Captain
Captain Jack
Good Morning Captain
Captain Crash And The Beauty Queen From Mars
Captain, Captain

The commercials enigmatically depicted various scenes from what appeared to be a short narrative that climaxed with a car crashing into a swimming pool.


If you are wanting the best, designer gold and diamond necklaces are the very best.


Our country's deserts mainly lie in arid and semiarid areas, mostly with scarce precipitation and lack of water resource, neither natural vegetation with relatively strong drought-resistance capability nor plantation, like diversifolious poplar, dryland willow, shrubby sand willow, saxoul and Hedysarum mongolicum Turcz,etc., can be protected effectively, this leads to desertification area expansion and frequent sand storm, which seriously affect people's work and life.
