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Infectious bursal disease is an acute, highly contagious viral infection of young chickens.


Published their seminal paper on the delineation of the bursal and thymic lymphoid systems in the chicken.

在 Glick 和 Chang 最初发现法氏囊的作用约十年后, Cooper 等(1965)发表了一篇开创性的文章,对鸡的粘液囊淋巴系统和胸腺淋巴系统进行了区分。

Infectious bursal disease of chicken,简称IBD


And mammals without IBD, which is similar to the structure of the bone marrow or intestinal lymphoid tissue (set lymph nodes, appendix, etc.), also bursal role.


In summary, we report an unusual case of infrapatellar bursal chondromatosis associated with an unresoled Osgood- Schlatter lesion.


infectious bursal disease is a high degree of exposure to sexually transmitted diseases, the chicken will lead to decline in immune function, the impact of other immune diseases, the aquaculture industry to bring great harm.


In addition, the present case is unique in that the bursal chondromatosis lesion deeloped in association with a large, unresoled Osgood-Schlatter lesion.


Key words: chicken; infectious bursal disease virus; variant; bivalent attenuated vaccine; immunogenicity

关 键 词:鸡;传染性法氏囊病病毒;变异株;二价弱毒疫苗;免疫原性

Four field strains of Infections bursal disease viruses isolated in China during 1997~1999 were compared for their pathogenity and sequences in high variable region of vp2 genes.

对4个IBDV野毒株的致病性和它们的vp2基因高变区序列同时做了比较分析。结果表明, 4个IBDV毒株在致病性程度上存在较大差异。

The possibility of producing infectious bursal disease virus on Second Chicken Embryo Fibroblast cells was studied.


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