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与 briar 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When times had returned to normal the production continued but on the basis of briar root.


He was from Briar Hills.


"What are you doing?" asked Briar Rose.


The briar patch is our fear and our greed .


The mullioned windows and the twinkling lattices are all ablaze with the red glory; the fading light flickers upon the leaves of the limes in the long avenue, and changes the still fish-pond into a sheet of burnished copper; even into those dim recesses of briar and brushwood, amidst which the old well is hidden, the crimson brightness penetrates in fitful flashes, till the dank weeds and the rusty iron wheel and broken woodwork seem as if they were flecked with blood.


It belonged to the old England of hamlets and yeomen. Lost all alone on the edge of the common, at the end of a wide, grassy, briar-entangled lane shaded with oak, it had never known the world of today.


It is a microcosm that evokes a XVsec Bottega atmosphere, where in an authentical kaleidoscope of tools, blocks of briar, colours and sawdust, nothing could be done quickly: every pipe takes his time to come out.

BALDO 作品很好体现了他设计时的灵感与构思,简单精致的设计不但拥有优秀的吸烟质量,而且在选材还是细节的处理都尽先大家风范。

"Oh. may I?" asked Briar Rose.She sat on the stool in front of the wheel and the wheel whirred round. As soon as she touched the spindle she pricked her finger. She fell to the floor in a deep sleep. The old woman, who was really the thirteenth fairy in disguise, picked her up and laid her on the bed.


The poet Ellen Bass has compared two women making love to armfuls of lilacs wet with rain, among other things, and that may be true, sometimes, but sex with Jocelyn was more like being in the briar patch.


"Carved beams are swathed in cobweb s, But briar-choked casements screened again with gauze."


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The Briar And The Rose

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
