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与 boomed 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's been a roller-coaster ride these past few years for equipment makers selling into China. The market first boomed in 2004, busted the following year and is only now whipsawing back to levels just shy of two years ago.

先说过去几年是过山车,然后用boom, bust, whipsaw back(whipsaw作名词时指一种双人横锯)三个词说明了&过山车&的过程。shy of 也是值得注意的语言点,这里说现在的水平比两年前市场初起时的水平还要少。

And their special advantages in foreign communions enlarged their opportunities in business and employment. The Consuming market boomed and grew in Guangzhou, as a result, its development go ahead of others in China.


As with any lifting machine, they give up capacity to remain stable as the load is boomed down (even derated, though, Quad Lifters out-lift competitors).


"We saw both the dragon and the gryphons," their leader, one Duncan Senturus, boomed.


In recent years, tourism has boomed to be one of the liveliest industries in world economy, which attracts attentions from people both at home and abroad.


Manny Pacquiao slipped quietly out of The Grosvenor House Hotel on London's swanky Park Lane to meet the dawn chorus at Hyde Park, before boarding a train for Manchester to be greeted by a different chorus altogether:'There's only one Ricky Hatton' boomed out in the now-familiar chanted monotony, with its ubiquitous brass band accompaniment.

清晨,曼尼。帕奎奥悄悄溜出The Grosvenor House 酒店,沿着时尚的伦敦公园道,来到鸟儿啁啾的海德公园。不久,他将踏上前往曼彻斯特的火车,尽管耳边尽是千篇一律的、由管乐队伴奏的歌曲&里奇。哈顿,世间唯一。&

Above the din of the shouting crowd, a single beating drum boomed out loud and clear.


Chinese demand for commodities has boomed in recent months, the result of public investment in infrastructure and stockpiling, which has meant a strong rebound in imports in the second and third quarter from Latin America and Africa.


Chinese demand for commodities has boomed in recent months, the result of public investment in infrastructure and stockpiling, which has meant a strong rebound in imports in the second and third quarter from Latin America and Africa.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
