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与 bird-watching 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There're three studies actually demonstrated the benefit in the patient population, the Bird data in Los Angles, Pias data and Peter Ferenshi data.

目前实际上已经有三个相关研究显示维持治疗有益患者抗病毒治疗效果,包括洛杉矶的 the Bird 研究数据、 Pias 研究数据和 Peter Ferenshi 研究数据。

Analysis of randomly chosen plots from the past five years has also found that key species such as bird's foot trefoil and red clover have been disappearing faster than botanists had feared.

另外,在过去5年里对随意选取的地区进行的分析结果也显示,一些重要的植物种类,比如百脉根(bird's foot trefoil)和红花苜宿等消失的速度要比植物学家担心的还要快。

Secretary Bird', who knows the laws of the game perfectly and insists that they are applied to the letter, always to his own downfall

Secretary Bird',"蛇鹫",他十分了解桥牌的规则并且一贯坚持要把它们逐字逐句地执行,却总是让他自己陷入灾难。

In the final stretch an unheralded colt from New Mexico called Mine That Bird flew through the pack to win.

在终点路段,一匹来自新墨西哥州的并不被看好的雄马Mine That Bird冲出重围夺冠。

This spelling has actually graced four different words: ballyhoo,"sensational advertising"; ballyhoo, a spelling of balao, a kind of fish; ballyhoo, a part of the name ballyhoo bird, about which more later; and ballyhoo, a sailor's epithet for a disliked ship.

这个词的拼写实际上包含有四个不同的词:ballyhoo,意为&耸人听闻的广告&; ballyhoo,是 balao 的一种拼写,是一种鱼; ballyhoo,是 ballyhoo bird 的一部分,其出现更晚;还有一个是ballyhoo,是水手对不喜欢的船的称呼。

The bird flu is a deathful disease,to which there is still no effective medicines today.But we could defend and prevent it in advance.

提示词语:禽流感:bird fiu;检验:quarantine;喷嚏:sneeze;粪便:dropping;内容如下禽流感是十分危险的疾病,到今天依然没有治疗的良药,但是我们可以预防它。

In the paper, it introduced some key technology application the importance of high spatial resolution RS imagery in the digital city. The new methods of the image fusion were illustrated with the Quick Bird image and photographical image, the results and were discussed and analyzed. Some unique and innovation were produced. The research's conclusion was some direction meaning.

本文介绍了数字城市和高空间分辨率擦的遥感影像在推动数字城市中的重大作用,以美国的Quick Bird卫星高空间分辨率的图像和航空彩色图像融合为例,并对实验结果进行的讨论和分析;文中提出了快速更新地物的独特性和创新性对科学研究和生产实践具有一定的研究价值和实际的指导意义。

Jades favorite tracks Like a Bird, Razorman, and Empty Pages exemplify the song writing teams maturity, and remind you that when it comes to sentimental pop not many do it with as much heart honesty as Jade Valerie does.

新专辑中,Jade最喜欢的歌曲是Like A Bird,Razorman,Empty Pages,这些歌曲充分显示出该专辑创作团队所达到的完美程度,更能使听者感觉到并不是所有的艺人在演唱感情方面的歌曲时都能像Jade那样用真情来演绎。

Take advantage of local natural and manpower resource, Sundog Pet begin from a factory which make Garden Products, Bird Nest/House, Rodent Nest/House.

利用工厂当地得天独厚的自然条件和人力资源,森度从生产花园用品,Bird Nest/House, Rodent Nest/House用品的工厂起步,经过团队多年的努力,产品逐步扩大到兔屋,狗屋,宠物笼,宠物床,宠物包等综合宠物用品领域。

The following font combination might work like a charm in print, and even on the screen it's OK, but at iPad resolution/contrast the bold "a grazil snail" and "eats a bird" clash

下面的这个字体组合可能在印刷版上看起来很棒,就算是在电脑屏幕上看起来也是不错,但在iPad的分辨率和对比度下,看起来加黑的&a grazil snail&和没加黑&eat a bird&不协调。

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Love Me Like A Bird Dog
Caged Bird
Angry Bird
Fly Like A Bird
Bird On The Buffalo
Little Bird
Bird Sings Why The Caged I Know
Big Bird
Ms. Bird
Honest Bird, Simple Bird

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
