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与 arousal 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of these celery is known to contain androsterone, a male hormone that stimulates the sexual arousal of females.


This "need arousal " can be due to the lifestyle of the individual.


One of these is the question of the arousal or energizing of the organism.


It's a sign of impending arousal.


Desire is the first step in the sexual response cycle, and it is the prelude to arousal.


This is essentially a process of arousal.


Fetishistic transvestism is distinguished from transsexual transvestism by its clear association with sexual arousal and the strong desire to remove the clothing once orgasm occurs and sexual arousal declines.


Have research discovery additionally, the baby when 4 months, if be condition of high motion arousal, to stimulating Yi Ji to offend, grown look becomes cowardly, bashful child changeably, and another part is stimulated not easily offend, the infant of small movement arousal, become changeably optimistic as good as socialization child.


Different task instructions involve in different neural mechanism to modulate emotional processing.The relatively specific brain regions of valence instruction include bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal lobe and left amygdala. The relatively specific brain areas of arousal instruction mainly include bilateral fusiform gyrus and right subiculum hippocampi.


ADHD kids have a hard time with working memory because they lack adequate cortical arousal, and Rapport believes that their squirms and fidgets help stimulate that arousal.

ADHD 儿童由于缺乏合适的大脑皮层刺激而有工作记忆问题,拉坡相信他们的蠕动和坐立不安有利于刺激大脑皮层。

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Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
