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all over the world相关的网络例句

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与 all over the world 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In "The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau", the documentary series that ran from 1968 and was shown all over the world, and its successor,"The Jacques Cousteau Odyssey", he hit on the thing of which every TV producer dreams: a near-perfect small-screen formula.


Smallholder is to accompanying group of a of generally consist in at all times and in all over the world giant society.


Tertiary waves are seismically generated acoustic waves that can propagate over great distances in the SOund Fixing And Ranging channel. On 2004/12/26, big Sumatra earthquake ( Mw =9.3) occurs at the Sumatra island. A huge tsunami excited by the energy from the big Sumatra earthquake causes a great lose, thus a lot of scientists from all over the world pay a lot attention to such big Sumatra earthquake.

T-波是由海底地震或者海陆边界俯冲带附近地震激发,并在海洋低速层中传播的声波。2004年12月26日,在印度洋东部印尼苏门答腊岛附近发生 MW =9.3级大地震,其产生的能量在印度洋中激发了巨大的海啸,造成了严重的人员伤亡和财产损失,受到了世界科学家们极大的关注。

The musical instruments used are worth mentioning. Of the 20 instruments, 5 were made as early as the ninth century, among which two violins have the longest history. One is a Stradivarius made at 1724, the other a Guamerius at 1776. Being praised by musicians and collectors from all over the world over the past century, they are the best of the best musical instruments.


"I get e-mails from all over the world when people somehow find their way to my Web site," Teeter said."Someone who's facing a new HIV diagnosis is happy to hear it's not the end of the world."

"当人们从某种途径发现我的网站,我收到来自世界各地的信,"Teeter 说,"正在面临新的艾滋病诊断的人很高兴知道得了爱滋并不是世界的末日。"

Like former battlefields all over the world, the southern Japan island of Okinawa - home to more than 1 million people and the site of some of World War II's most savage fighting - is a tinderbox of unexploded bombs, thousands and thousands of tons of them, rusted and often half buried.


In recent years, dasso has successfully patented some new products in the field of bamboo technology including indoor and outdoor bamboo decorative material and wind turbine blade. in 2004, dasso's two-ply bamboo flooring was awarded china national star promotion project; in 2005, fire-proof ceiling board developed by dasso, was used in the madrid international airport and this project was honored with riba award; in 2006, dasso's bamboo decorative material was used for the dashboard of bmw vehicles. there are more than 100,000 bmw x5 and x6 model which are fitted with this high quality material all over the world; towards the end of 2008, the 1st set of wind turbine bamboo blades which dasso supplied the high strength bamboo material was installed in northern china; in march of 2009, dasso began to introduce its outdoor strand woven bamboo into the market and this was used in projects such as the shanghai world expo 2010 as riverfront decking.

大庄近年来在竹子科技领域有多项发明专利应用于新的产品,这些新产品包括竹材室内外装饰材料以及环保风能竹材料。2004年,大庄的两层竹地板被国家授予星火计划推广项目;2005年,大庄研发的防火竹制天花板被应用于西班牙马德里国际机场,该项目并荣获英国皇家斯特灵奖;2006年,大庄将竹材推进到宝马汽车内饰,现有超过十万辆bmw x5、x6奔驰在世界各地;2007年,大庄的一项竹装饰板荣获国家科技发明奖;2008年底,由大庄提供的竹制风能叶片材料的世界第一个竹制风能叶片系统在中国北方张北投入使用开始发电。2009年3月,大庄研发的竹户外材料开始投放市场,并被应用到上海世博会的诸多项目之中。

All of our products are being sold well all over the world.


Face the praise,we will not pride. Foreseeing the future, we will keep on going. We will promote" WELLBORN" to all over the world, and produce more and more high quality products for our customer. Our target is being a powerful enterprises in hotel equipment industry, and contribut to the hotel equipment industry in the world.


The wetland has significant function for mankind of storing floodwater,fight drought, complement groundwater ,adjust climate, prevent soil corrade ,reduce environmental pollution .because it has abundant natural resources,special ecological environmental and structure.The countries all over the world strength on protecting wetland,taking on any masures to prevent the wetland degeneration and disappearance. Studies on the restoration and reconstruction of disturbed wetland become the hotspot of world environmental study.


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There's A Kind Of Hush (All Over The World)
All Over The World
All Over The World
Heartache All Over The World
There's A Kind Of Hush (All Over The World)
Rockin' All Over The World
People All Over The World
Almost Saturday Night / Rockin' All Over The World
There's A Kind Of Hush All Over The World
All Over The World

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
