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与 aids 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Unexplained generalized adenopathy should raise the possibility of AIDS or AIDS-related complex, and the individual should be carefully uated for possible risk factors.


P .001. Conclusions It is an important measure for preventing AIDS from dissemination to provide health education focuses on knowledge regarding AIDS timely, advisably and moderately.

为此 ,我们于 1999年 10月至 2 0 0 0年 6月对阜阳市 3 493名学生进行了问卷调查,以了解预防AIDS健康教育现状及需求

On the establishment of shielding immune cells avoid HIV viral antigens identified protein adsorption and the establishment of "biological trap" induce HIV models Summary : HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus caused AIDS virus, AIDS is not currently be fully human control, AIDS vaccine is being developed, but because the virus genetic diversity potential to change the topic of the complexity of this ban from the incidence of HIV spread T4 cells in the mechanisms by, proposed changes T4 lymphocyte surface protein CD4 receptors structure as to avoid HIV adsorption, and the establishment of "biological trap" booby HIV idea to try to turn on AIDS treatment to the conversion of protein structure and function, as well as synthetic direction.


Now it is treated by chemotherapeutics, but AIDS can't be cured ompletely by this way and it can be still spread. So, as one of the most successful methods of treating disease, i perhaps noculating with vaccines will be found application significantly.


Results The acception rate to HIV/AIDS was 15.1%,and it was influenced by their sex,education level,their awareness about the route and nontransmission,but it was not correlated to age,going out for work,living area and awareness to HIV/AIDS. Conclusion The acception rate to HIV/AIDS among the rural youth is low.

结果 农村青少年对HIV感染者/AIDS病人正确态度持有率为15.1%,并受到性别、文化程度、是否知晓艾滋病传播途径和是否知晓非传播途径的影响,而未发现其与年龄、是否外出务工、居住地、是否知晓艾滋病一般知识相关。

Methods Visiting the confirmed HIV/AIDS patients personally and secretly,investigate the discrimination patients and the reason in villages that HIV/AIDS patients inclosing.


Objective Analyses the social pressure and discrimination that HIV/AIDS facing and their response,indicate the role of reducing the discrimination for HIV/AIDS prevention and control.Methods Visiting the confirmed HIV/AIDS patients personally and secretly,investigate the discrimination patients and the reason in villages that HIV/AIDS patients inclosing.

目的 通过对HIV/AIDS面临的社会压力、感受到的歧视及其反应的分析,来阐述减少歧视对预防和控制艾滋病的作用方法对已确认的HIV/AIDS患者,在知情、保密的情况下进行人访谈;选择存在HIV/AIDS患者的村庄或附近村庄的居民,调查社区内存在的相关歧视及原因。

Methods Visiting the confirmed HIV/AIDS patients personally and secretly,investigate the discrimination patients and the reason in villages that HIV/AIDS patients inclosing.


Setting up the administrative model on HIV/AIDS comprehensive treatment and care in Changsha will play the role of controlling contagions, preventing HIV spread, delaying the course of AIDS disease, depressing the rate of incidence and mortality of HIV/AIDS and enhancing the life quality of HIV/AIDS patients in the capital city of Hunan Province.


"In the next 25 years, AIDS will and heart disease, stroke and together referred to as the world's top three killer diseases, and for patients suffering from AIDS treatment to save at least 3,000,000 / year of life, the figure highlights AIDS The importance of treatment,"Pfizer Perros Manos on behalf of the view that AIDS can be treated as chronic diseases to treat, in accordance with the current development of Chinese medicine, patients with a medicine every day to eat only get relief, which compared with the previous day Eat more than 10 tablets of drugs to more effectively and reduce the side effects of drugs on the human body.

&在今后25年,艾滋病将和心脏病、中风一起并称为世界上三大头号致死疾病,而对身患AIDS的病人的治疗,至少可以挽救300万/年的生命,这一数字突出了艾滋病治疗的重要意义&,辉瑞制药代表Perros Manos认为,艾滋病可以被当作慢性疾病来治疗,按照现在的医药发展,患者每天仅吃一粒药就能得到救助,这比起以前每天吃十几粒药要更加有效且降低了药物对人体的副作用。

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Aids Is Gold, HIV Is Platinum
Aids & Armageddon
I Got Aids
Aids In Our Butts
I've Got AIDS (PSA)

I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。