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The Corpsman becomes more adept at Field Medical Emergencies.


As a costume designer extraordinaire, Chris is more than adept at using untraditional materials, such as food.


... more adeptly than any other popular fantasist, she has shown herself adept at using fantasy to address social issues that frame her readers' experience and doing so in ways that are well suited to her core readership.


Curiosity is endemic on a trading floor, and traders are adept at perceiving secrets fermenting in a colleague's mind, then relentlessly ferreting them out.


Thus we are adept at understanding action in terms of the folk psychology of belief and desire, and we seem not entirely out of our depth when it comes to devising theories of language.


Known to be a hard-driving entrepreneur, he had been adept at winning new markets .


Many species of capuchin — such as Brazil's yellow-breasted capuchin — are known for being adept at using tools, primarily to crack open hard-shelled nuts.


Barrister Wang is adept at transacting the cases and legal affairs of foreign legal affairs , lawsuit and arbitration , corporation , international trade and investment , network and intellectual property etc . Exerting substantial legal knowledge , proficient English and affluent experience of judicial practice adequately to transact the cases and legal affairs of foreign legal affairs , complex and significant criminal , civil and administrative litigation , arbitration ,to stand up for the holy and majesty of law , to assert social justice , to offer high-test and efficient legal service for clients , to safeguard lawful right of party sufficiently are the specialty and professional pursuit of Barrister Wang Jinghua.

在《法制日报》、《中国律师报》、》、《中国律师和法学家》(Journal of China Lawyer and Jurist、《美中法律评论》(Journal of US-China Law Review,USA)、《广东律师》、《当代检察官》、《党风》、《东莞日报》等世界级、国家级、省级、市级报刊、北大法律信息网、中国律师网、中国法院网、新华网、人民网、央视国际、新浪等发表200余篇法律学术论文和随笔,获国家、省、市有关机关和单位奖励数十次,有100多篇被确认为精品文章,其中90余篇被收录于《北大法宝》法学文献库出版发行,著作有《律师说法》和个人学术论文集《触摸法治》等书,现正撰写专著《自由与法治》并编辑出版个人杂文、散文、诗歌、小说集《人生感悟》等书,有的文章入选《中国当代思想宝库》一书,并被"北京师范大学"等著名高校的教科书作为参观文献。

Though their learning curve proved steeper than imagined, Craig says, they've become increasingly adept at handling the ketch in open water, where they've successfully weathered squalls of 40 to 60 knots.


One of his classmate in the college was adept at mural .


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
