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与 accessible 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The small village is only accessible by a narrow road.


The reality is, though, in making the price point accessible to people (as its far below the price of JG's NYC restaurant), the standard of the food is hurt.

这个比别的Jean Georges便宜多了,应该是为了比较accessible,比较多人能吃了,可是。。。

In rough sets based on accessible relation, we merge rough set theory and accessible relation into one model. Compared with classical rough set models(including Pawlak rough set model and various precise rough set model), the new model is more general.


Or we could say: phenomenal truths are deducible in principle from physical truths, but the deducibility is akin to that of a complex truth of mathematics: it is accessible in principle, but is not accessible to us now, perhaps because the reasoning required is currently beyond us, or perhaps because we do not currently grasp all the required physical truths.


In the c ognitive domain, the synaesthetic image involves the mapping of image from a low er modality onto a higher one more frequently than its inverse, the mapping fromthe more accessible properties of the source image to the less accessible one o f the target image. In the aesthetic domain, the synaesthetic image, as a novel metaphorical image,provides much food for the subject's aesthetic experience. M eanwhile, in the literary domain, the image reveals its poetic function in narra tion.

在认知的范畴里,通感意象一般 SsbbwW.com 产生于由低级感官域的意象到高级感官域的意象的映射,亦即从可及性较强的意象特征到可及性较弱的意象特征的映射;在美学的范畴里,通感意象作为 dddtt 一种新颖的隐喻意象丰富了主体的审美体验;而在文学的范畴里,通感意象则具有诗学的功能,表现出叙事的文学性。

In the c ognitive domain, the synaesthetic image involves the mapping of image from a low er modality onto a higher one more frequently than its inverse, the mapping fromthe more accessible properties of the source image to the less accessible one o f the target image. In the aesthetic domain, the synaesthetic image, as a novel metaphorical image,provides much food for the subjects aesthetic experience. M eanwhile, in the literary domain, the image reveals its poetic function in narra tion.


In the c ognitive domain, the synaesthetic image involves the mapping of image from a low er modality onto a higher one more frequently than its inverse, the mapping fromthe more accessible properties of the source image to the less accessible one o f the target image. In the aesthetic domain, the synaesthetic image, as a novel metaphorical image,provides much food for the subject's aesthetic experience.


WT9.BZ: Theory of generalized tautology in logic system , W and W k is generalized and applied to Lukasiewicz logic system. The main results are as follows: congruence about on set of logic formulas F has been obtained in the system; it is proved that in this system, for any irrational number α, there does not exist accessible α-tautology; and for any real number α, there does not exist accessible α+-tautology; and the relation theorems have been given between categori...

将逻辑系统 W ,W ,Wk 中的广义重言式理论进行推广并应用到Lukasiewicz逻辑系统中,主要结果是:得到了逻辑公式集F在该系统中关于﹁同余的分划;证明了在该逻辑系统中对每个无理数α而言,不存在可达α重言式,且对每个实数α而言,不存在可达α+重言式;给出了广义重言式、广义矛盾式各类之间的关系定理。

2 Only a single test is required when the accessible metal selected is conductively connected by construction to all other accessible metal.

36.2 一个单独的测试要求:当确定可接触的金属零件与相连结构中所有可接触的金属件的导通后能够导电。

At the guitar's head, the nut is often concealed under a small plastic or wooden plate, fastened with small screws. From the soundhole, the truss rod nut may be directly accessible through a hole in the cross brace, or may be located at the heel block, often accessible only by completely loosening the strings.


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I put some current in side the surface and use two planes to cut the surface, then made two Amperian loops, then do integral on Theta.


Toucans|for this musical revue in Brazil.

知道吗 我以前去找能唱歌的鸟|为巴西的音乐剧找巨嘴鸟

Description:描述: You're a treasure seeker in search of lost tombs and temples that you learned about from some old papyrus scrolls.
