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与 abnormality 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Moreover, influenced by the movement of groundwater, there will be abnormality in temperature distribution curve in borehole.


Congenital Preauricular Fistula (MIM 128700) is a common auricular abnormality, the incidence of which is around 1%. The formation of CPF is closely associated with embryological development of the auricle, which is developed from the first and second branchial arches.

先天性耳前瘘管(MIM 128700)是耳鼻咽喉科常见的遗传性疾病,其患病率接近1%,一般认为是胚胎期形成耳廓的第一、第二腮弓的六个小丘样结节融合不良或第一腮沟封闭不全所致。

The hemoptysis of patients with bronchiectasis is concerned with the abnormality of artery.


The abnormality of tetrad callose wall degradation and tapetum development was associated with the abortion of microspore.


In the medium report this affairs the process, various as to it's carry on of discussion also chaperonage since then, however very interesting of is us can see in the discussion of various each kind concerning this problem, almost most of the opinion all is denounce orally and in writing Yang Lijuanof madness make track for star action and as to it's take no cognizance a father life blindness to make track for star of don't understand, put forward wanting reasonableness to make track for a star, but seldom the person can use a kind of attitude for tolerate go to comprehension Yang Lijuan, the reason that she so do is why, even if have medium report to call its spirit some abnormality, public still can't stop doing not understand her with rebuke, scold her is big someone of "mental derangement" of a "bedlamite" at.


[purpose] to investigate the canceration rate of mucosal abnormality at the root of cardiac mucosal ridge.


This abnormality may extend to the larynx, and is characterized by lack of the cartilaginous and membranous cartilage.


The reason for this may be some abnormality of the uterus or the cervix.


The patterns of geophsics indicates that the gold deposits are distributed in the steps belts of gravity abnormality and the bondary of aeromagneticanomaly.Auriferous quartz vein is hiher electrical resistivity and chargeability.


Objective: To investigate the influence of Y chromosome abnormality on male reproductive ability.


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The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


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