英语人>网络例句>abandoning 相关的网络例句

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与 abandoning 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But a life of adding value does not mean abandoning your own needs and desires.


But renunciation of prescribed activities is not recommended; abandoning them due to illusion is declared as the nature of nescience.


There was one wearing a pale pink jacket, another in a cream-coloured tight-sleeved gown, another in a petticoat as red as the arms of the reaping-machine; and others, older, in the brown-rough 'wropper or over-all-the old-established and most appropriate dress of the field-woman, which the young ones were abandoning.


The side is ranked in the city, the platoon is in Xin Deli, after abandoning Nai and Caire ordinal pull Bart, India for Osmanli Istanbul, Ankala, Moroccan capital the first industrial and commercial big city Bombay and polish Warsaw.


In the symplectic system of plane elasticity in rectangular coordinates, by separating variables and abandoning the homogeneous boundary condition, the symplectic solution of a rectangular beam subjected to distributed load in a power function form is obtained.


He seemed as undisciplined in singing as he was about food, abandoning diet after diet in favour of porterhouse steaks or caviar scooped up with a tablespoon.


He seemed as undisciplined in singing as he wasabout food, abandoning diet after diet in favour of porterhouse steaks orcaviar scooped up with a tablespoon.


Ideas which encourage longevity in their hosts, or leave their hosts particularly resistant to abandoning or replacing these ideas, enhance the preservability of memes and afford protection from the competition or proselytism of other memes.

意见,鼓励在其主机的寿命,或离开自己的主机特别是抗放弃或更换这些思想,增强preservability的memes和提供保护的竞争或改其他memes 。

Yahoo board of directors was experienced to reelect among, because Gu Ge is suspected of forestall abandoning cooperating with Yahoo, newest yesterday message is Yahoo announces its CEO Yang Zhiyuan will leave his post.


I'm sure you won't want to answer this question, but does this mean that you're abandoning the 'full size' reflex camera system?


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The Abandoning

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
